In this latest interview in the Open Questions series,Charles “Chas” Freeman assesses the history of China-US relations and where they might go from here amid their “adversarial antagonism” stage and as the US presidential election looms. Freeman interpreted for then-president Richard Nixon during his historic 1972 Beijing trip to meet Mao Zedong. He has served in the US Foreign Service and state and defence departments and was US ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Gulf war.
It means database partitioning — of worlds. Parallel worlds each running the same static template database source, but evolving different runtime databases. But these were just called “servers” — like, Meridian 59 had bunches of them, and they had numbers instead of the common practice of names that is in use today.
A new study by the University of St.Gallen (HSG) in collaboration with scientists from the University of Zurich and the University of Notre Dame reveals that the attractiveness of female founders also plays an important role.
Freedom of navigation is in the US Navy’s DNA – now is a bad time for the world’s most powerful navy to abandon that key principle.
San Francisco must REFUND the Police not continue to DEFUND the Police. Our Police need to be empowered now — not this new terrible decision to end pretext stops. Our SFPD and Sheriffs and BART Police are the absolute key to a safe and clean San Francisco every day. SFPD must be returned to >2000 officers within 18 months from <1400 where it has been allowed to fall, and the police force must be fully empowered to enforce ALL laws.
Exxon still expects fossil fuels to make up the majority of energy market in 25 years
Possibly THE most prominent pedo hunter is @LizCrokin . Here is story of her efforts to dig up dirt on The Donald…
By pulling the plug on Constellation, Obama had unleashed the power of markets and competition. While many associate competition with dog-eat-dog and survival of the fittest tropes, competition is a healthy and productive force.
“So, what the FDA has done… [is] unquestionably beyond its authority.”
Getting fined by San Francisco for not removing crack head graffiti on our office door is the most on brand slow ventures thing ever. I love it… and guess what, we aren’t gonna pay it just to see what happens…
Free public api: What really sets this site apart from all other API lists is that each API endpoint is tested once every 24 hours by our friendly robots to make sure it works. When our robots find an API that no longer works because it was taken down or moved behind a paywall, it will start ranking poorly and eventually be removed from the site.
U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Cohen says Canadians are consuming too much American news, which he believes is “unhealthy” because of American legacy media’s polarizing and partisan nature.
It is a stock element in narratives of 1950s computing to distinguish between programmers and coders, the latter considered a “lowly technician” doing the routine job of converting flowcharts or pseudo-instructions into coded machine instructions (for example, see Campbell-Kelly et al.4 and Ensmenger7). This division of labor between coders and programmers is often overlaid with social distinctions of education and gender.7 Researching the early uses of the words “programming” and “coding,”5however, we were confronted with the near absence of evidence for this coder/programmer distinction in practice. While the activities of coding and programming can be more or less clearly distinguished, the activities did not map onto different jobs, but rather were performed by the same person(s). It thus seemed that the distinction between the coder and the programmer pertains not to the reality but to the mythology of early computing. It emerged in the wake of automatic programming in the 1950s, creating a discourse that has been influential until today.
We’re on a quest to find the most beautiful word in the English language. We’ll show you two words; choose the one you like the most.
The experiences of staff in the Philippines’ outsourcing industry are a preview of the challenges and choices coming soon to white-collar workers around the globe
Shake Shack, the Big Apple-based competitor to In-N-Out known for smash burgers, crinkle-cut fries and milkshakes, announced that six California storefronts, including the only Oakland location, would close by the end of next month. Ownership cited underperformance as the primary factor for the closures, according to Nation’s Restaurant News. Most locations will close around Los Angeles; the other three outposts to shutter are in Columbus, Ohio, and Houston, Texas.
The principals are evidently quite proud of the bureaucracy they have built. For my part, I have been doing research for 40 years in both industry and academia, and I have never seen anything as shambolic as this. Since I do not plan to spend the rest of my professional career playing these sorts of games, I decided enough was enough.
A deep-cover CIA officer spent years underground trying to infiltrate Al Qaeda. But an investigation into his life, work, and death reveals mystery, moral quagmires, and the secret toll of the War on Terror
Asking for 350 million friends.
The most important silicon in 2013’s iPhone 5S, the A7 System-on-Chip (SoC) was made, not by Intel, but by Korean rival Samsung. The SoC contains the processor that runs user apps – the ‘application processor’ – and lots of other silicon powering graphics and much more. The SoC is almost always the most complex chip in a modern smartphone.
Web design museum
What books should I read to improve as a software engineer?
Ford Motor told employees in an internal communication that it had taken “a fresh look” at its DEI policies and practices over the past year.
Fascinating and well reported story, but I’m still baffled by the idea that any competent military or intelligence organization would use Telegram for secret comms. The vast majority of its traffic is sitting in plaintext on its servers. I’d be stunned if the NSA isn’t in them.
PRC trade surplus is ~$100B per month now. That used to be recycled into US Treasuries, but China has stopped buying them. Where is this money going now? Is some of recent Mag7 performance due to offshore buying linked to China?
“As long as they can stand up and shuffle they will get through. Then when the plane takes off, we see the misbehaviour. “We don’t want to begrudge people having a drink. But we don’t allow people to drink-drive, yet we keep putting them up in aircraft at 33,000 feet,” he said.
In at least three instances in July and August, Oakland police sought to tow a Tesla into evidence to obtain — via a second court order — its stored video. Officers cited the cars’ “Sentry Mode” feature, a system of cameras and sensors that records noise and movement around the vehicle when it is empty and locked, storing it in a USB drive in the glove box.
As I write this, we’ve just heard news that Oprah is planning to do a big broadcast special about AI and society. Despite the fact that it hasn’t aired, and I haven’t seen it or talked to anyone who’s seen it, we can reliably predict many of the shortcomings that this show will have. And it didn’t even take an AI chatbot to come up with this list.
All laws must be fully enforced. Police must be fully funded. The DA’s office must prosecute to the fullest level of the law.