I’ve not, to my knowledge, signed up for any email lists related to Maria Cantwell or Su Happ.
Nonetheless, the following messages recently arrived in my inbox.

Maria Cantwell, a US Senator from the State of Washington and member of the Democrat Party, became wealthy at RealNetworks, in between elected offices.
Perhaps the news missed me, but my home – Madison – is some distance from Cantwell’s Washington.
One could imagine “big tech” supporting Cantwell’s 2020 Presidential candidacy.
Maria Cantwell: Twitter campaign www Senate DuckDuckGo Open Secrets Wikileaks

Su Happ is the Jefferson County (Wisconsin) District Attorney. She ran unsuccessfully for Wisconsin Attorney General in 2014.
Perhaps she is mulling a race for Governor in 2018?
Su Happ: Twitter campaign www Facebook LinkedIn DuckDuckGo Open Secrets Wikileaks