iPhone 6 (very) Low Light Comparison

The iPhone has inexorably displaced many traditional cameras. However, there are a number of use cases where the iPhone requires, perhaps too many compromises or is not yet up to the job. Sports, particularly fast movement [1] is one example, while low light is often another.

A recent random left turn brought me to Michael Pendry’s “Les Colombes“.

Pendry’s immersive Pentecost [2] performance offered a great venue to compare the iPhone 6’s low light capabilities with a tradional, full frame sensor [3] digital camera.

iPhone 6 images:

Full frame traditional camera images:

I recorded a short video with this camera as well. Watch it here.

I was pleasantly surprised at the iPhone’s capabilities. While not great compared to the traditional camera, the iPhone performed much better than I expected. Perhaps the next generation or two will require further low light investigation.

View a log of the iPhone’s (growing) photo capabilities, here.


1. iPhone 5s & Sports Photography?.

2. Pentacost.

3. Full Frame Sensor.