
Ron Paul said while speaking at the Libertarian National Convention that it is “very clear that there was a coup in 1963, and we’re suffering from it ever since.” “There’s been coups around, and the United States are the champions. We’ve committed more coups in the last 30 or 40 years than probably anybody in history… there’s a lot of people that think that 1963-in matter of fact, I think that it’s very clear that there was a coup in 1963, and we’re suffering from it ever since.”

What are your

websites that display a lot of data / tables?

Animated filmmaker John Musker — who directed such Disney films as “The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin” and “Hercules” — called out the Walt Disney Company for prioritizing political messaging over story in its recent films. “I think they need to do a course correction a bit in terms of putting the message secondary, behind entertainment and compelling story and engaging characters,” Musker told Spanish outlet El País at this year’s Animayo International Summit in Gran Canaria, Spain.

“And my observation about Kubota is that they’ve made a conscious decision that ‘We want our dealers to get deeper into the area that they have,’ and a limitation on size kind of signals that — their focus and as they add product lines. So that looks like a natural reflection — that is, selling a more broad product line that Kubota has in the geography you have, rather than getting broader.”

John Eastman 1 of 9. This is a 9-part thread about Attorney John Eastman speaking on his findings and informing us about the stolen 2020 election. His presentation on Lawfare in America, hosted by Michigan Fair Elections, was given on May 14th.

During the early rise of consumer PCs in the 1980s, no Western-designed CPU, printer, monitor, operating system, or programming language was capable of handling Chinese character input or output—not “out of the box,” at least. For the better part of the history of computing, computing technology has been biased in favor of certain alphabetic scripts—none more so than the Latin alphabet. In the 1960s, the development team behind ASCII (the American Standard Code for Information Interchange) determined that a 7-bit coding architecture and its 128 addresses offered sufficient space for all of the letters of the Latin alphabet, along with numerals and key analphabetic symbols and functions. Chinese characters, by comparison, would have demanded no less than 16-bit architecture to handle its more than 60,000 characters. And of course, long ago Western engineers piggy-backed on the preexisting typewriter keyboard, using the two-dimensional Shift key to toggle between lower and uppercase letters (Chinese has no alphabet, of course, nor uppercase or lowercase).  

A defining characteristic of the contest is that voters overall have little confidence in either candidate across a range of key traits, including fitness for office, personal ethics and respect for democratic values.

Behind closed doors, even Realtors recognize that their dominance feels tenuous. A report commissioned by NAR in 2015 identified one of the biggest and most likely threats as “entry by a new player” into the real estate market. “A large company like Google could fall in love with real estate, along with its many resources. With a market cap of $356 billion and an insatiable appetite for acquiring companies, buying a large real estate portal and becoming a dominant player in the MLS or portal world is not too big of a stretch,” the report warned.

The system is self-perpetuating. Realtors pay dues to NAR and its more than 1,000 state and local affiliates for access to the MLS, and the dues feed a sprawling political apparatus that keeps the money flowing.

Public records, internal documents and NAR’s own statements show that a central part of this strategy is political spending. NAR spent more than $67 million during the 2022 midterms alone through a dizzying network of PACs, money handed out to state and local real estate associations and a network of anonymous-sounding groups with names like “Alliance for a Better Pennsylvania” and the “American Property Owners Alliance.” The $67 million figure is, in reality, a sizable undercount of what Realtors spent swaying elections: State and local real estate associations pour tens of millions more of their own into races each cycle, and people who list themselves as working in the real estate sector are the second-biggest group of professionals contributing to federal elections after investors, according to the nonprofit OpenSecrets.

This quiet, seemingly innocent change to how Meta reports growth is significant insofar as it will no longer have to report its Daily Active or Monthly active users, meaning that the only source of truth in Meta’s growth story is a vague growth metric that could be manipulated to mean just about anything. Three billion “daily active people” across Meta’s “family” combines WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Messenger (which I’m confident it counts separately), Oculus, and Threads.  

So the couple the Alitos got into a spat with were a pro-BLM mid-30s unmarried white couple with a “pandemic puppy” living at their parents’ house. Let’s just acknowledge the amazing typecasting here. It’s also hilarious btw that a pro-BLM couple’s first reaction to a verbal altercation was to call …. the police.

Thanks to our federal partners, @POTUS, @SenatorBaldwin, and @USTreasury, we’re using $50 million from the State Small Business Credit Initiative to launch this fund, but that’s only the beginning! We expect the fund to grow exponentially, creating at least a $500 million impact.

“I think she cannot complain, because I played Court 8 and 9 and you can hear everything. Like, I can hear Suzanne Lenglen, Philippe Chatrier, Court 6, 7 during the points. I think she’s very lucky she can play all the time on Philippe Chatrier and she’s okay with that.

Increased construction and labor costs in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the price of the first five townhouses from about $350,000 to over $500,000 apiece, Middleton developer Terrence Wall said in a letter to the city’s Plan Commission in November. Climbing interest rates have also put a damper on homebuying.

The hit film The Sting in 1973 made Scott Joplin a sensation in his hometown of Sedalia Missouri. This is the fiftieth year of the annual Scott Joplin festival.

Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her. By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option. Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.

You can certainly argue that the 235-year-old “gentleman’s agreement” that presidents are not convicted of crimes had to go, but to throw it out for such insultingly ridiculous charges is just a slap in the face to all reason and good judgment.

Most of you know that I have always said that I am a Christian first and a Republican second —because no political party died for me. Today, a verdict was rendered.

An eBay account called Bullseye Deals has been live since 2013, boasting 137,000 followers and over 2.6 million items sold. All of its products seem to be from Target. An identical account on Poshmark was launched in 2022 and has already amassed over 20,000 followers. Bullseye Deals’ branding, while not a perfect replica of the big-box retailer’s logo, is a red dot with the silhouette of a bull inside, which looks an awful lot like Target’s bullseye.

Saleh’s plight is part of a global problem that shows no signs of abating. The United Nations has logged an increasing number of crew members abandoned by shipowners, leaving sailors aboard months and sometimes years without pay. More than 2,000 seafarers on some 150 ships were abandoned last year.

For two years Biden was absolutely adamant that no US weapons could be used to strike Russia. Now he reverses the policy — aka, he lied. So where’s the pushback? Congress, media? What could be of greater consequence than lying the country into war with a nuclear superpower?

The prosecutor is a politician who promised to nail Trump. The judge’s daughter is a Democrat operative who literally raised $$ from the trial while her father presided over it.

While being highly efficient and powerful, the new engines will also revolutionize vehicle packaging by being more compact than existing models. Smaller engines will allow for even lower hoods, improving design possibilities and aerodynamic performance while contributing to better fuel efficiency. The development will also emphasize compliance with increasingly strict emissions regulations.

The Verge and 404 Media are building out new functions that would allow them to distribute posts on their sites and on federated platforms – like Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky – at the same time. Replies to those posts on those platforms become comments on their sites. The fediverse allows users from different platforms and services to interact with one another without creating individual accounts for each platform, letting followers from one platform like and comment on a post on another platform. In other words, it lets social media networks that are independent from one another “talk” to each other. But now publishers want in on the interoperability. The Verge, Vox Media’s tech news publication, and start-up tech site 404 Media are eager to federate their sites — they’re just waiting on the tech to support that functionality to become available to them.

This new insight is created by mapping all the various national media distributors — including broadcast and cable networks and streaming services — up to their parent company. Nielsen calculates the total minutes viewed on the TV screen for each network’s services and aggregates those totals based on initial distributor mapping, ultimately arriving at a share of total TV usage for each parent company. The minimum reporting threshold for a parent company in The Media Distributor Gauge is a 1.0% share of TV. Similar to the fluctuation of monthly TV usage tracked in The Gauge, rankings within the media company view will also demonstrate shifts that correlate with the seasonality of TV viewing. 

Appeal to Heaven: On the Religious Origins of the Constitutional Right of Revolution

Preventing sellers from including their offer of pay for the buyer’s agent “also unnecessarily restrains the seller’s choice and absolute right to offer compensation to a brokerage firm representing the buyer,” the statement said.

The billionaire behind the Chobani yogurt brand has acquired Anchor Brewing Co. with plans to modernize and reopen the historic San Francisco brand that closed last year after 127 years in operation.

On Friday, Hamdi Ulukaya, Chobani founder and CEO, announced that his family office had bought all of Anchor’s assets: the iconic steam beer recipes, the 2.1-acre Potrero Hill campus and all the brewing equipment in the De Haro Street warehouses. The price was not disclosed.

The billionaire behind the Chobani yogurt brand has acquired Anchor Brewing Co. with plans to modernize and reopen the historic San Francisco brand that closed last year after 127 years in operation. On Friday, Hamdi Ulukaya, Chobani founder and CEO, announced that his family office had bought all of Anchor’s assets: the iconic steam beer recipes, the 2.1-acre Potrero Hill campus and all the brewing equipment in the De Haro Street warehouses. The price was not disclosed.

I hate to inform the OSINT accounts but, dubious reports of military strikes aside, the Houthis have successfully imposed a blockade against a US Navy who has no capacity to break it. US Navy control over shipping lanes is stone dead

Indeed selling user information.

Today, state highway departments have rebranded as transportation agencies, but building, fixing and expanding highways is still mostly what they do. So it was notable when, in 2022, the head of Colorado’s Department of Transportation called off a long planned widening of Interstate 25. The decision to do nothing was arguably more consequential than the alternative. By not expanding the highway, the agency offered a new vision for the future of transportation planning.

These platforms completely T-boned media companies. As a media company, you were competing for the same attention of users, but with a strictly higher COGS. The more people you had on your payroll that were creating content, the more exposed you were to being flanked by user-generated content platforms. Structurally, investing in media has been a losing value proposition ever since and value creation has shifted entirely to the platforms that control distribution.

As for what I believe? I think the Democratic Party leadership is acting like shortsighted decisions to open the doors to hell don’t matter because many are in their 80s and aren’t going to be around long enough. And they don’t care enough about their own children or their country to care about the world they leave behind after their demises. I have always said that Trump poses an existential threat. Biden joined that club a while back. He should be removing himself at his age and in his condition and Kamala should not be a heartbeat away from being commander in chief of the world’s pre-eminent thermonuclear power.

Exceptions to this include: Fauci, Illegal aliens, every single person on the Epstein client list, your son, you, your brother, the person who left cocaine at the White House, Obama, Bush, the Clinton’s, every elected official insider trading, Big Pharma the WHO and George Soros. “Sovereign individuals

First attempt at visualizing the mediated Dzhanibekov Rotation as described in @EthicalSkeptic ‘s article.

After being forced into Federal court by us, the White House admits they altered evidence to make Biden appear less incompetent

Simplicity is underrated. Everything about this website is done as simply as I could stand. For example, notice how there’s no database at all. In essence we are using Git itself as our database, specifically that very first repo. That means this site is entirely static, and can be deployed directly to Github Pages without any complications. I don’t think I’ve had to tweak anything about that flow in the last 3 months.

Recently, we released ? FineWeb, a new, large-scale (15-trillion tokens, 44TB disk space) dataset for LLM pretraining. FineWeb is derived from 96 CommonCrawlsnapshots and produces better-performing LLMs than other open pretraining datasets. To bring more clarity in machine learning and advance the open understanding of how to train good quality large language models, we carefully documented and ablated all of the design choices used in FineWeb, including in-depth investigations of deduplication and filtering strategies. The present long form report is a deep dive in how to create a large and high-quality web-scale dataset for LLM pretraining. The dataset itself, ? FineWeb, is available here.

I’ll get to Luxcious in a bit, but it turns out that new sofas, by and large, really do. Why would that be? Well, check out Why Are (Most) Sofas So Bad? in Dwellmagazine which has a weirdly-intermittent paywall, here’s another version.