
Market intelligence says Airbus Commercial Aircraft CEO Christian Scherer visited with Southwest executives in Dallas and Breeze leadership near Salt Lake City in mid-April. This was well after Breeze’s February order for 10 additional A220s.

Two months ago, we sounded the alarm about independent publishers being demoted on Google to give way to big media sites. This is what happened next.

In just a few months, this Speaker has worked to give the Executive more authority and more money than even Pelosi granted

“The difference between the two company’s cultures, design philosophies, and decision-making structures allowed SpaceX to excel in a fixed-price environment, where Boeing stumbled, even after receiving significantly more funding,” said Lori Garver in an interview. She was deputy administrator of NASA from 2009 to 2013 during the formative years of the commercial crew program and is the author of Escaping Gravity.

China today has enough capacity to manufacture half of the world’s 80 million vehicles. By 2030, China’s capacity could climb to 75% of the world’s volume, according to Global Data.

Some startups that launched buzzy generative AI products are now narrowing their offerings to try to make them more useful to business clients.

Each permit, according to sources who have acquired one, is being sold for up to 50,000 Mexican pesos, roughly $2,000. Without one of these, migrants are stuck at the Mexican southern border for months and end up having to pay sometimes more as a bribe to the same INM officials to let them out of Mexican southern border towns like Tapachula. 

Whereas, on April 18, 2024, the Rules Committee passed H.Res. 1160—the rule providing for consideration of the 95-billion-dollar foreign funding package—by a vote of 9 to 3. Notably, all Democrat members of the Committee voted to advance the measure to the floor while three Republicans opposed it. It is unprecedented for members of the minority party to advance a resolution out of the Rules Committee. Since 1995, there have been a few instances of rules advancing out of Committee with minority support; however, H.Res. 1160 is the only instance where this was done to bypass opposition from members of the majority party.

Despite the fact that the first sentence of his bio still calls him the “Editor-in-Chief of The Athletic’s Bay Area coverage,” Kawakami no longer is in charge of Bay Area coverage, something that he wrote in a February 2021 mailbag was “due to an editorial restructuring.”

WHY DID SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE in Texas pay good money to spend a beautiful Saturday inside, listening to three living members of the Habsburg family and a scattering of Carlists talk about what ails the world? It’s clear what the Habsburgs got out of it: the conference, held in Plano and organized by David Ross, a Dallas-area realtor and right-wing Catholic, was in support of the family’s effort to win a sainthood for Emperor Karl I, perhaps the least successful and most tragic Habsburg monarch, who reigned for the last two years of World War I and then died penniless on the Portuguese island of Madeira. The family hoped to keep their memory alive—and maybe sell a few books. What everyone else might get out of it was unclear, at least at first.

Higher Ground Labs created and published its 2022 report that describes its landscape and connections in the election industry complex.  This document outlines the many initiatives, connections and activities it is involved in and the players it interacts with to ensure radical far-left and increasingly communist anti-American Democrats win elections. This landscape involves “non-profits” and publicly traded companies which prevent the public from requesting information that would be required to be provided by the government in FOIA requests.

Wow, how wonderful of our local Government to threaten anyone found with a Starlink dish the amount of up to £125,000 we might as well live in a few countries I could mention that live under a dicatorship..

Which is why Total SF is introducing the San Francisco Starter Pack: a virtual welcome basket for someone moving to the city for the first time, serving as a primer for city life, a way to blend in and early exposure to some of our deeper cuts. (It also works as a checklist for locals who want to re-engage with San Francisco.)

What’s a “lens relay system?” Think of a telescope. Instead of focusing an image on a plane of film or a sensor, it creates what’s known as an “aerial image” that you capture with another lens system — your eye. If you’ve ever smashed your phone up to a pair of binoculars successfully, you’ve made a lens relay system.

I Went To China And Drove A Dozen Electric Cars. Western Automakers Are Cooked. A trip to the Beijing Auto Show reveals just how advanced China’s EVs are. So what are the so-called “foreign” automakers doing about it?

No more. Thanks to TikTok, I discovered a new (to me, at least) spin on walking: backward walking, also known as “retro-walking.” Though it’s trending onsocial-media platforms right now, physical therapists and fitness trainers have been touting its benefits for years. It’s a low-impact way to burn calories, strengthen your legs, test your coordination, and even improve pain, experts say—all of which lured me onto my quiet, rural street one afternoon to give it a whirl.

To understand why engine development has become a challenging task, we need to understand engine fundamentals and the technologies used for these fundamentals. In the last Corner we started a discussion around Open Rotor engines after looking at geared versus direct-drive Turbofans. We now look deeper at the Open Rotor Propulsive Efficiency.

“I correctly forecast that there would be no near term impact on the industry, but boy, was I wrong on the long-term impact,” he said. “I think I called for possibly a partial impact on certain segments of the industry. Incorrect. But remember the context back in 2015, the largest constellation in existence was Iridium with 66 satellites, and back in 2015, it wasn’t even entirely clear that they were going to make it successfully without a second dip into bankruptcy.” It is clear that SpaceX has been successful on the launch and technical challenges. The company has deployed nearly 6,000 satellites, with more than 5,200 still operational and delivering Internet to 2.7 million customers in 75 different countries. But is the service profitable? That’s the question Quilty and his research team sought to address.

Despite abundant risks to supply chains, demand for container trade increased in Q1 2024. Global container demand is estimated to have grown between 7 to 9% YOY with all import regions contributing positively. Import growth was strongest in North America, Latin America and Oceania. The top three fastest verticals in Q1 were retail, tech and lifestyle. Global container demand growth is expected to remain positive in coming quarters but likely at a slower pace. 

Charcoal Blasting Olmsted Point.

The time has come for Chicago Residents to initiate a petition calling for a binding referendum to authorize and establish an ordinance to recall The Mayor of Chicago from office. In many states throughout the Midwest (including WI, MI, MO and OH), the mechanism is already in place for voters to recall their mayor when warranted. In 201

The working tugboat Mirene, where @Ryanphelan6 and I have lived for 40 years, is properly celebrated in Dwell magazine this month.

To this day, it’s the most backdoor-looking bug I’ve ever seen. Google Translate does a good enough job on the original article, which is still available on Habr, but I’m going to walk you through it along with some context. Telegram is a popular chat app that uses its own… bizarre protocol to encrypt chats, called MTProto. The protocol is used both to encrypt all messages to the Telegram server, and to encrypt opt-in 1:1 end-to-end “Secret Chats”.[1] In text I can’t do justice to the facial expressions of cryptographers when you mention Telegram’s protocol, so just believe me that it’s weird. The current consensus seems to be that the latest version is not broken in known ways that are severe or relevant enough to affect end users, assuming the implementation is correct. That is about as safe as leaving exposed wires around your house because they are either not live or placed high enough that no one should touch them.

General counsel for the secretary of state’s office Charlene McGowan confirmed that Fulton County broke the law in their recount. “Fulton County used improper procedures during the recount of the presidential contest in 2020.”

From the era of insane economic policy

Archive officials immediately claimed they found material with “classified markings” among the boxes’ contents. That prompted for the first time ever the archives sending a criminal referral to the DOJ in February 2022. Smith indicted Trump and Nauta in June 2023; the following month, Smith added De Olivera and additional charges in a superseding indictment.

Howell then signed off on a warrant for Nauta’s location history from his cell phone. Among Howell’s other abuses are signing a warrant sought by Jack Smith to get Trump’s Twitter data AND an NDO preventing Twitter from notifying Trump as well as piercing atty-client privilege to help Smith get all of Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran’s records.