Happy Easter!

Post sunrise Easter service, I reminisced over tea about 2007. My astonishment, now 9 years ago, was plain as we sat in Hanoi’s St. Joseph’s Cathedral on Easter Sunday morning.

In French and poignant, there were no shortage of lilies that day.

The number of Christian churches astonished me as we traversed Vietnam.

Hanoi’s cathedral is well worth a visit.

Wikipedia. TripAdvisor comments.

My Verse App for iPhone, iPad and the Apple Watch.

Leadership in a declining market: Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki’s public remarks vs a Canon executive

Translation via Katate:

The first is the color accuracy improvement, which is the same as dp Quattro’s I’ve explained before. The second is the EVF. To be honest, the Foveon sensor is not designed for movie. The quality of the EVF, such as the resolution, is not as good as the current mirrorless cameras’. However, the critical factor of the EVF is the delay time of the display. We’ve worked hard on this, and the delay time is 30-45ms, which is not inferior to the current mirrorless cameras. Even the resolution is not so high, the delay time is smaller. Comparing to dp Quattro, this speed is 40% faster. We’ve also worked hard on improving the super sensitivity. sd Quattro is one stop better than dp Quattro.


You might ask why I’m announcing a product whose release date is not clear. The answer is that, if I announce APS-C Quattro only today, and it is released, and then several months later I’ll announce the Quattro H. You might get really angry (laugh). I’m afraid of that, so I’ve decided to announce a little earlier and I let you take this into consideration.

The price is completely unforeseeable. The image sensor cost is not sure. As the number of the sensors is small, the price will become really high. There will be a price gap between these two models.

Thank you so much on listening for such a long time. The market situation is really tough for our company, but I’d like to introduce innovative products later this year, and also next year. Please expect our future products, and please support us.

Thank you very much.

Canon executive Go Tokura:

This is just my personal opinion. In my view there are two key features that have to be addressed. The first is autofocus, particularly tracking of moving subjects. The other is the viewfinder. The electronic viewfinder would have to offer a certain standard. If those two functions were to match the performance of EOS DSLR camera performance, we might make the switch.

Tremendous progress has been made in electronic systems. However in terms of AF, pro-level AF functions, and the range of shooting situations that professional photographers can respond to, there’s still a gap between DSLRs and mirrorless systems.

Leipzig’s Stasi Museum

Worth a visit.

Website: “Runde Ecke” Memorial Museum and the Stasi Bunker Museum:

Welcome to the homepage of the Citizens Committee of Leipzig, the custodian of the “Runde Ecke” Memorial Museum and the Stasi Bunker Museum. We invite you to find out more about what we do and what we offer.

The Citizens Committee originated during the Peaceful Revolution in 1989 and is still committed to its central call for freedom and democracy. In August 1990 this non-profit association opened the exhibition “Stasi – Power and Banality” in the authentic premises of the former district headquarters of the “Stasi”, the secret service of the former GDR. During the subsequent years it has become a significant and continuing contributor to the process of reappraisal of the past in Germany.

Related: The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff.

Former Google CEO Schmidt to head new Pentagon innovation board by Andrea Shalal.

The stealthy, Eric Schmidt-backed startup that’s working to put Hillary Clinton in the White House by Adam Pasick and Tim Fernholz.

Finally, Eban Mobglen: Snowden and the Future.