Cummins is launching a gas engine that behaves like a diesel to avoid all the DEF regulations.
B6.7 inline-six gas engine makes up to 300hp and 660 lb-ft torque at 1,800 RPM. They will launch in Kenworth Class 5 to 7 trucks. That covers T180-T480 models.
this is the key question. events like this were terrible for journalism
The NYT reporter who reported this initial story was neither a health nor science reporter (of which the Times employs many of both). She was, however, the daughter of a journalist infamous for collaborating with the intelligence community.
A Secret Mortgage Blacklist Is Leaving Homeowners Stuck With Unsellable Condos. Fewer homes can get Fannie Mae-backed mortgages, a response to Surfside condo collapse and insurance crunch
Starlink operates in more than 120 markets worldwide, though in some countries, SpaceX must coordinate spectrum sharing with domestic satellite operators before activating service.
Still, despite Weissmann’s status as a ferocious Trump critic and symbol of Russiagate, the Jenner & Block letters hint at wider institutional issues. “The problem is, all of Washington does this,” says an administration spokesperson. “The revolving door has turned into something completely corrupt, and that the weaponization of government is often coordinated from K Street. The administration wants it stopped.”
FinCEN “issued a Geographic Targeting Order (GTO) to further combat the illicit activities and money laundering of Mexico-based cartels and other criminal actors along the southwest border of the United States,” according to the announcement. “The GTO requires all money services businesses (MSBs) located in 30 ZIP codes across California and Texas near the southwest border to file Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs) with FinCEN at a $200 threshold, in connection with cash transactions.”
If I had to choose, I’d definitely choose to return to the job market of the 2010s, so I can be paid more to work less and have more job security. I’m not an idiot. But the silver lining to actually having to ship is that you’re no longer living in a dream. If you’re realistic about how things work, the job of software engineering becomes much easier to understand:
- Providing value to the company gets you rewarded
- Not providing value to the company gets you punished
- “Value to the company” means furthering the explicit plans of your company’s executives
Mountain Village Town Manager Paul Wisor slammed the elder Horning as an out-of-touch owner whose resort is aging and needs major infrastructure upgrades and engaged ownership that works productively with his town, which is connected to the old mining town of Telluride by an iconic public-transit-style gondola that is aging out.
Never thought we would find ourselves needing to defend our leading technological competitor but here goes….. We remind the Governor of his own positions on EVs and by extension – Tesla – before he was beaten like a rented mule last November.
The Freebsd, gnu/Linux, Solaris, and Windows operating systems have kernels that provide comparable facilities. Interestingly, their code bases share almost no common parts, while their development processes vary dramatically. We analyze the source code of the four systems by collecting metrics in the areas of file organization, code structure, code style, the use of the C preprocessor, and data organization.
The aggregate results indicate that across various areas and many di?erent metrics, four systems developed using wildly di?erent processes score comparably. This allows us to posit that the structure and internal quality attributes of a working, non-trivial software artifact will represent first and fore-most the engineering requirements of its construction, with the influence of process being marginal, if any.
The EVERY1 will be the first to ship with Rivian’s vehicle architecture and software as part of a $5.8 billion joint venture struck last year between the German automaker and U.S. EV maker. The ID.2all is based on the E3 1.1 architecture and software developed by VW’s software unit Cariad.
And memory is not the same as nostalgia. Many Azerbaijani emigrants lose their emotional connection with Baku even before they fully become emigrants. In fact, this loss of emotional connection often becomes an additional reason for their departure.
Confirmed donors to liberal Susan Crawford’s campaign, election is April 1st:
George Soros (NY) $ 4,451,000
Reid Hoffman (CA): $14,460,000
JB Pritzker (IL): $ 6,515,000
Karla Jurvetson (CA): $ 7,331,020
“You find contracts that are 10, 20, 30, $50 million and you just ask like, why are we doing this? And everyone’s just like, meh, I don’t know. And then you cancel it and then nothing happens. It’s just inertia, has just taken over.”
because those in that world collectively decided that identitarianism, not storytelling, was the most important thing
Charlie lives in Manvel, about twenty miles south of Houston, with her family. They spend almost every weekend at rodeos. Most are much larger than the Youth Rodeo Association (YRA) event in Giddings, but each one helps Charlie qualify for major competitions, including this month’s Hooey Junior Patriot, in Fort Worth, and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Winning at one of the prestigious events—where more than $100,000 is awarded to winners—would be a significant step toward a professional career, and Charlie has qualified for both.
- •We use synthetic controls to assess the effect of the shale gas boom on U.S. green house gas emissions.
- •Our findings indicate that the shale gas boom reduced average U.S. annual green house gas emissions per capita by 7.5%.
- •We decompose the total treatment effect into substitution, transition, and consumption effects.
Basically, China is trying to do to AI what they always do: study, copy, optimize, and then bankrupt everyone with low prices and enormous scale.
We ate at the Four Seasons in the Seagram Building, on Park Avenue. Back then, it was Manhattan’s premier power lunch spot, also known as the Condé Nast cafeteria because so many of its editors and top executives ate there every day. The maître d’, Julian Niccolini, greeted Art effusively, and led him to his usual table. Without even asking, a waiter brought him a cocktail. Art ordered the spécialité de la maison: an absurdly expensive piece of Dover sole. I had the lamb chops. We went through two bottles of wine, and after we had settled on the financial terms, we celebrated with several glasses of cognac. When lunch was over, three hours later, Art and I staggered out without even looking at a bill. It was sent directly to the Condé Nast accounting department.
Within the span of 10 years, Rickover created an entire office dedicated to nuclear propulsion, and successfully launched the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine without cost overruns. He conclusively demonstrated the strategic importance of nuclear propulsion in a timeframe no one thought possible and helped the US beat the Soviets to nuclear propulsion for submarines by 3 years. His institutional legacy is the US Navy’s safe construction and operation of nuclear reactors.