Gartner’s Vision Of The Future Of Mobility; Should Users Be Afraid?

Yann Gourvennec:

Gartner’s four phases of “cognizant computing”
 “sync me”: this is the most obvious phase, the one which most of the Computing giants have achieved; it is composed of storage and the syncing of personal data,
 the “see me” phase: this is all about our digital footprint. “This phase is still not very intelligent, and not many companies are taking advantage of this” the Gartner analysts said,
 the “know me” phase: this is about understanding who the user is, what he likes and what he does through the data he stored; so that he can be presented with offers and messages which are relevant to him,
 “be me” phase: this is where services are acting on the user’s behalf based on learned or explicit data.
 Yet, looking at how many companies do this show that there is still room for improvement: