The Case for Overhauling a U.S. Tax System Even Congress Doesn’t Understand

Sam Dealey:

“The monopoly on good ideas does not belong to a single party,” President-elect Obama reportedly told congressional leaders Monday during a private meeting about an economic stimulus package. “If it’s a good idea, we will consider it.”

When it comes to taxpayer money—raising, spending, and occasionally deigning to return it—neither party in Congress has demonstrated particularly good ideas lately. The majority of lawmakers seem to believe that stimulating the economy means expanding recurring welfare programs, plowing money into pet projects of only limited or short-term use, and bestowing inadequate, selective tax cuts.

But if Obama is looking for ideas, he might consult with Nina Olson, the national taxpayer advocate at the IRS. In her annual report to Congress, released yesterday, Olson makes a persuasive case for overhauling the U.S. tax system.