
Plain text accounting

It’s a snapshot of what it takes to run a massive scale viral YouTube operation in the 2020s, as well as a detailed description of a very specific company culture evolved to fulfill that mission.

Twenty injuries might sound like a lot, but Waymo’s driverless cars have traveled more than 22 million miles. So driverless Waymo taxis have been involved in fewer than one injury-causing crash for every million miles of driving—a much better rate than a typical human driver.

He says, “In guarding their fortune, men are often closefisted, yet, when it comes to the matter of wasting time, in the case of the one thing in which it is right to be miserly, they show themselves most prodigal.”

Field inventory at the dealerships at the beginning of April, 2021 was 61,330 units and that inventory level grew to 90,148 by the beginning of August, 2024 or 32%.

Both sides have accused the other of engaging in a lengthy negotiation process that has stretched over two years. The Guild has put forward a number of proposals that management has balked at in totality, including a four-day work week coupled with significant increases in pay, full coverage of all health care premiums for employees and family members, guaranteed RSU grants for all members of the unit, and non-performance-based annual bonuses, all of which the company estimates would cost over $100 million over three years.

The DOJ published a press release earlier this week that named Rudy’s Performance Parts and its owner Aaron Rudolf for making, selling, and installing emissions defeat devices. Rudy’s pleaded guilty and was sentenced on Tuesday, Sept. 10, to pay $2.4 million in criminal fines for conspiring to violate the CAA. This follows a previous sentencing and fine from April in which Rudolf was ordered to pay $600,000 and enter a three-year organizational probation period.

There are several persuading factors. Not least the current climate when it comes to selling a flat. FT analysis of recent Land Registry data showed prices for a flat have underperformed the rest of the market in every region, and in the capital have barely changed since 2019. All the more reason to keep a bigger slice of the pie.

We present a novel method called “generative regulatory measurement” that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to interpret statutes and administrative documents. We demonstrate its effectiveness in analyzing municipal zoning codes, achieving 96% accuracy in binary classification tasks and a 0.92 correlation in predicting minimum lot sizes. Applying this method to U.S. zoning regulations, we establish five facts about American zoning: (1) Housing production disproportionately happens in unincorporated areas without municipal zoning codes. (2) Density in the form of multifamily apartments and small lot single family homes is broadly limited. (3) Zoning follows a monocentric pattern with regional variations, with suburban regulations particularly strict in the Northeast. (4) Housing regulations can be clustered into two main principal components, the first of which corresponds to housing complexity and can be interpreted as extracting value in high demand environments. (5) The second principal component associates with exclusionary zoning.

 The US has tens of thousands of local governments which each produce lengthy municipal codes, and so simply understanding the nature and scope of housing regulations, let alone figuring out which ones are really important and bind supply, is a big hurdle.

Until the turn of the millennium, the workflow for record releases was simple enough. Once the multitrack was mixed, the 2-track master was turned into a piece of vinyl, a cassette tape or, starting in 1982, a compact disc, and those original tapes—by and large— then went into storage. Around 2000, with the advent of 5.1-surround releases, then in 2005 with the debut of the Guitar Hero video game, things started to get complicated. When rights holders went to the vaults to transfer, remix and repurpose some of their catalog tracks for these new platforms, they discovered that some tapes were deteriorating while others were unplayable. Not all assets had been stored under optimum conditions. Some recordings had been made on machines that were now obsolete, in formats that could no longer be easily played. And some recordings were missing.

Currently, Apple Card has around $17 billion in outstanding balances across 12 million users. JPMorgan hopes to pay “less than the full face value” of those balances, according to today’s report:

The networked tribalization of government bureaucracy (suppressing dissent and political opposition). Best analyzed as part of a larger pattern of behavior across multiple agencies + political rhetoric.

This is a massive assertion from a U.S. senator and Hillary Clinton just called for criminal charges against misinformation purveyors. Let’s make sure you are careful with your information Ms. Warren.

Let us remember that, in some sense, modern democracy as we know it today, is the child of a revolution that was formed under the principle that there cannot be taxation without representation. the main task of this house, for what it was intended, is to establish a national budget to define what the state does with taxpayers’ money.

The second reason why i am presenting myself here today is because i am coming to propose a budget project that is diametrically different from what we are used to.

Not only different but the most radically different in this century… and i have learned firsthand that the deeper the change, the greater the effort must be to fight for it.

So, we’re asking each s-team organization to increase the ratio of individual contributors to managers by at least 15% by the end of Q1 2025. Having fewer managers will remove layers and flatten organizations more than they are today. If we do this work well, it will increase our teammates’ ability to move fast, clarify and invigorate their sense of ownership, drive decision-making closer to the front lines where it most impacts customers (and the business), decrease bureaucracy, and strengthen our organizations’ ability to make customers’ lives better and easier every day. We will do this thoughtfully, and our PxT team will work closely with our leaders to evolve our organizations to accomplish these goals over the next few months. [By the way, I’ve created a “Bureaucracy Mailbox” for any examples any of you see where we might have bureaucracy or unnecessary process that’s crept in and we can root out…to be clear, companies need process to run effectively, and process does not equal bureaucracy, but unnecessary and excessive process or rules should be called out and extinguished. I will read these emails and action them accordingly.]

Music, in short, has become both too easy to produce and too easy to consume. It would be easy for anyone under 30 to dismiss Beato’s argument as that of a middle-aged man reflexively insisting that things were better in his day, when we knew the value of an album. But even the youngest generation of music-lovers must, at times, feel a certain dissatisfaction amid this endless abundance. To them — and to all of us — Beato says this: “Vote with your attention” by trying to listen to music deliberately, without distraction. Personally, I recommend listening to not just full albums but complete discographies, which at the very least cultivates a certain discernment. And to cross the musical landscape ahead of us, we’ll need all the discernment we can get.

After 1??,0??3??8?? days “not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion.”

Of all these hype cycles, I suspect that the “AI” hype has more staying power than the rest, if for no other reason than it provides a hedge against the downside of previous hype cycles. Not sure to do with the exabytes of Big Data you’re sitting on? Have LLMs parse it all then convincingly lie to you about what it means.

The horrifying death of the CIA’s Beirut station chief at the hands of Hezbollah

For nearly two years, SpaceX has voiced its concerns with the FAA’s inability to keep pace with the commercial spaceflight industry. It is clear that the Agency lacks the resources to timely review licensing materials, but also focuses its limited resources on areas unrelated to public safety. These distractions continue to directly threaten national priorities and undercut American industry’s ability to innovate.

“We’re not going to spend city resources engaging with white, single-family homeowners,” Bernard said. “They already have access to agency. Let’s spend our resources bringing other folks to the table who don’t have that access.”

Kugelman, let go from an online-marketing role at eBay, blanketed Manhattan streetlight poles with 150 fliers over nearly three months this spring. “RECENTLY LAID OFF,” they blared. “LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB.” The 30-year-old posted them outside the offices of Google, Facebook and other tech companies, hoping hiring managers would spot them among the “lost cat” signs. A QR code on the flier sent people to his LinkedIn profile.

Backstory: I spent ten years working in de-facto operations and technical roles at startups. Sourcetable draws from that experience of needing better data tooling inside spreadsheets, and constantly hacking ad hoc solutions to fill the gap. Andrew (CTO / co-founder) previously had a deep learning company and was initially drawn to the idea that Sourcetable could be an operating system for the web. We’re both Aussie expats in the Bay Area, which is how we met. Internally, we think of Sourcetable as an application platform, with AI applications being a useful and interesting place to focus.

The United States health system ranked dead last in an international comparison of 10 peer nations, according to a new report by the Commonwealth Fund.

  1. On Venture Capital
  • VCs think they operate in power law environment but they don’t lol
  • Technowatermelons often don’t make money from portco real sales
  • Instead, they profit by MARKETING; hyping up ideas, raising money in successive rounds, and cashing out as new investors join. In other words, passing the bag to a greater fool
  • Therefore, they are packaging and selling hope, rather than relying on actual revenue (side note: also explains why every VC and their aunt is on Twitter/LinkedIn)
  • Low IR environment facilitated this watermelon growth, given there were minimal penalties for playing speculative games (Fed the farmer didn’t harvest the watermelon crop)

Since Biden only started getting bad “in January” (Nuzzi reports in July once it’s clear he’s being switched out) then I guess it wasn’t such a crime to run him in the primaries and shut out competition from RFK etc. This story passed for tough, independent reporting at the time it came out but it was actually quite helpful to the official party mid-summer narrative of a rather recent and troubling decline

Taste is eating software. Taste is the new weapon. Whether in design, branding, or user experience, taste now defines how a product is perceived and felt as well as how it is adopted, i.e. distributed(whether it’s software or hardware or both). Technology has become deeply intertwined with culture. People now engage with technology as part of their lives, no matter their location, career, or status. The markets being served now are cultural markets, where utility plus taste forms the foundation.

GPS—9,344 mobile devices at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI today. 487 appear to be staff.

High Resolution image of the Night Watch.

Porsche has revealed a strange (and possibly brilliant) idea for a six-stroke combustion engine. If you don’t know the fundamentals of an internal combustion engine, we’ll try to keep this simple. If you do know how engines work … we’ll still try and keep it simple

More importantly, Musk is in favor in Texas, and its tax incentives and fewer corporate regulations could be attractive. Lastly, having all his major companies in the same state could make operations simpler.

Before the year is out, a fast fare mobile app will be available. The plan for next year is to be able to use credit cards, Apple Pay or Google Wallet directly at the bus reader. How to use the ticket or fare card on the bus