
Climategate emails show that erasure of the prior warmth was coordinated by #ClimateScam professionals in several countries.

Except in practice, judging from the report of founder after founder, what this often turns out to mean is: hire professional fakers and let them drive the company into the ground.

Under Kamala’s plan, if you have an asset that the government says has appreciated by $1 million in value, you’ll owe $250,000 in taxes – even if you don’t want to sell it, and even if you can’t sell it.

In the world of cloud computing, the costs can quickly add up, especially when using serverless architectures. However, with a little effort, you can set up a virtual machine (VM) on Hetzner for just $4 a month, allowing you to bypass the “serverless tax.” and have full control over your server. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through setting up a VM on Hetzner, installing Caddy for SSL, configuring Cloudflare for DNS, and deploying a web app using Github.

But E Ink displays also have slow screen refresh rates, limited support for color (on models that support any color at all), and generally aren’t very useful for high-motion graphics like videos or games. So while there are a handful of companies producing E Ink smartphones and tablets, they tend to be niche devices. And now we’re seeing a growing number of companies offering products with reflective LCD displays or similar technology that offer some of the paper-like qualities of E Ink, but which are more suitable for animation and video.

Ever since Milwaukee spent $60 million to build a high-tech pitching lab at their Arizona spring training facility, the Brewers have struck out more batters than any team but Houston and rank fifth in the majors in ERA (3.85).

You can feel how uncomfortable Reid Hoffman is here as he fidgets in his chair, punctuating his word salad response with “uh, um, uh.” He’s struggling hard to answer whether Democratic voters are okay with not having a say in their nominee. But let’s be fair—that question is unanswerable without a free, fair, and open primary where millions of voters actually get to make their voices heard. One guy’s opinion on how voters feel? Irrelevant.

The Justice Department alleges the giant health insurer cheated Medicare out of more than $2 billion by reviewing patients’ records to find additional diagnoses, adding revenue while ignoring overcharges that might reduce bills. The company “buried its head in the sand and did nothing but keep the money,” DOJ said in a court filing.

Richard Qian didn’t know what to expect when he heard that WM Motor, a Shanghai-based EV maker popular for its low prices, filed for bankruptcy in October 2023. He tried to drive his compact EX5 SUV as he normally would, but discovered that he could no longer log into WM Motor’s smartphone app, which remotely controlled the car lock and air conditioner. He also couldn’t see his car’s mileage and charging status on the dashboard. 

Epic is known for their fun/quirky software names (Radiant/Beaker/Cupid/Beans/ etc). Looking through things, I noticed a few names on the Epic trademarks page (epic.com/epic/page/trad…) that I didn’t recognize. Anyone know what they are?

I think it’s clearer to call it “early scaling” rather than rate of scaling (fast scaling). Fast scaling isn’t the issue, when you scale is.

The growth engine needs to be in that efficiency range where we’re. actually not losing money to acquire customers,” Ellis says.

This subtle difference in the ordering of legal enforcement is the major cause of the stagnation of aircraft design and manufacturing.

Mr Ceviker is helping revive Turkey’s viticulture. Though wine has been produced in Anatolia for millennia, the country’s modern vineyards and wineries produce mostly French varieties imported in the past century. But Mr Ceviker works with old vines that have survived for far longer, many abandoned when the Greeks and Armenians, vintners of the Ottoman empire, were forced out. Many of the Muslim farmers who took over now sell their produce for dried fruit or pekmez, an unfermented grape syrup, rather than alcohol. Mr Ceviker has persuaded some to sell their grapes to him at higher prices and has bought several vineyards outright. He takes his crop to different micro-wineries using traditional methods. “With each vintage, we experiment,” he says.

The Supreme Court’s ruling made clear that not only are Presidents immune from prosecution for many official acts, but such acts cannot be used as evidence at trial. This requires extensive pretrial proceedings to ensure official acts are not admitted into evidence.

How the heck did Dane County let this guy walk? And at any other time in US history, he’s deported.

Citizen DJ is officially open to the public and all sounds on this website are completely free-to-use for your remixing needs. Read a behind-the-scenes retrospective post on this experimental project and residency.

Before modern air travel and first-class suites, the grandest thing in luxury air travel was the German Zeppelin airship. The Hindenburg was designed to ferry passengers across the Atlantic in serenity, with the dirigible floating smoothly through the clouds. The airship was considered the longest class of flying machine and the largest airship by envelope volume.