
Austin, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio each have big annual rodeos. So why doesn’t Dallas have a big to-do, too? 

Now, let’s attempt to solve the task of finding nearest neighbors using PostgreSQL. Using our datasets, we will try to identify ten fires that occurred near the factory in russia, where Iranian Shahed drones are manufactured. For more detailed information about the plant, you can refer to the researchconducted by the Molfar team. The factory is located in the special economic zone Alabuga in Tatarstan, where previously cat food and automotive glass were produced, and mushrooms were grown. However, after sanctions against Russia, its priorities shifted, and now it plays a key role in russia’s plans for drone production.

I spoke with FT Group CEO John Ridding soon after he’d returned from Japan, where he’d been meeting with Nikkei leadership. Our conversation, edited and condensed for clarity and to remove brief asides about household pets, is below.

Kind of, but not quite. A key difference is that in the courtroom there is some reasonable chance that the opposing lawyer or the judge will notice that the key case has been overruled, so that your argument that hinges on that case will fail. You have a clear incentive to not rely on overruled cases. In science, however, there’s no opposing lawyer and no judge: you can build an entire career on studies that fail to replicate, and no problem at all, as long as you don’t pull any reallyridiculousstunts.

Back in the Fall of 2022, I watched the 2018 documentary The Bleeding Edge1, which investigates the FDA’s medical device clearance process. I was surprised to learn that for many devices, clinical trials are not required. The documentary scrutinizes the FDA’s 510(k) clearance process, through which some devices can be fast-tracked for use if they are “substantially equivalent” to an existing device, even without a clinical trial.

For those following the increasingly tense row between Big Tech and the creative industries over copyright, here’s the Publishers Association letter to AI companies in full:

The winds of change are whistling through the global financial system. The BRICS alliance, a formidable economic force comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and newly added members, is revving up its engine for a revolutionary new payment system. This system, fueled by the cutting-edge technology of blockchain, promises to disrupt the current dollar-dominated landscape, potentially altering the course of international trade and finance.

Today the Pentagon is at 12.6% and health and human services is at 28%.

This is hands-down the best explanation I’ve heard on why sanctions on Russia backfired, and why they were never going to succeed in the first place.

I continue to be convinced that the Japanese camera companies simply don’t understand their customers. The source of that problem derives from cultural, language, and geographic barriers. These companies have all evolved to be too paternalistic in their product approaches (e.g. “these are the cameras we’re making, take them”) when they really need to be more embracing (e.g. “help us understand your needs and desires”). But as I note above, their paternalism seems mired in fear of smartphones now, and they race to other arenas in which to play. Meanwhile, the customers are left in the same venue with only smartphones to use. 

I have nothing against the recipients of Social Security. I’m just saying that that DC will not pay them in real terms. Probably they’ll soft default with inflation.

The acceptance of the case, filed by Democratic law firm Elias Law Group, marks another significant shift between the current, liberal-controlled court and the previous, conservative high court, which banned drop boxes two years ago.

What Gawande didn’t know (being charitable) — Academic centers that gained monopoly position in their market charged commercial payers multiples of what they charged Medicare. The future wasn’t some utopia where academic health systems had patient outcomes as their 1º incentive. It was ruthless monopoly that sought to replace physicians with “providers” that would order lots of tests and send patients to academic specialists who specialized in doing lots of unnecessary procedures.

Recently, the Swift project began developing a new embedded language mode to support highly constrained platforms. This mode utilizes generic specialization, inlining, and dead code stripping to produce tiny binaries, while retaining the core features of Swift.

Pilots using personalized reminders for all sorts of tasks in the cockpit is extremely common, but the post-it note cue underscores the lack of detailed alerting in the master caution system aboard all generations of the 737, relying on pilot memory to switch off the potentially hazardous anti-ice system. “Easy to get distracted with other duties and miss turning off,” said Tajer, who has been sharply critical of Boeing. “That’s why I use a decades-old technique.”

What made the biggest impact on me, however, were the Italian neorealism films of the post-WW2 era, especially Luchino Visconti’s La Terra Trema [1948] (The English translation is The Earth Trembles).

DMCA Notices Took Down 20,517 GitHub Projects Last Year.

This started as blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier to digest — peppered with my own ‘takes’. I’ve tried to stick to original thoughts for the most part and link to what others have said where applicable. Some of the topics I touch on:

  • Why I believe Vision Pro may be an over-engineered “devkit”
  • The genius & audacity behind some of Apple’s hardware decisions
  • Gaze & pinch is an incredible UI superpower and major industry ah-ha moment

Four decades after its debut, Inverse tracks down the ragtag crew behind one of the greatest indie films ever made. “If it was a Hollywood movie that had been made about punks and stuff, it would’ve died.”

But no space agency or company has dazzled us more in the last 10 years than SpaceX. The company produces moments of wonder and originality that are both breathtaking and full of promise. What SpaceX does best is provide us a glimpse into a tantalizingly close future. And that happened again on Thursday with the third Starship launch.

Observability is the process through which one develops the ability to ask meaningful questions, get useful answers, and act effectively on what you learn. – Hazel Weakly

Overall, current drones seem to increase the vulnerability of fixed assets such as tanks or troop formations, or for that matter oil refineries or Moscow or Ukraine fixed landmarks.  A very large and sophisticated U.S. aircraft carrier might be able to repel the drones (albeit at high dollar cost), but a bunch of tanks in an open field will not have comparable protection. In the abstract, “mid-valued assets become more vulnerable” could favor either offense or defense.