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Forced by shortages to sell chipless ink cartridges, Canon tells customers how to bypass DRM warnings

Spaniards have long been leaving poorer rural areas for better opportunities in richer cities. Politicians in rural areas lament this. But it is not obvious that pricey infrastructure will do much to curb it. Mr Jácome notes that Zamora, until recently the high-speed trains’ last stop en route to Galicia, has gained weekend tourists but continued to lose population since their arrival in 2015.

As you see, there is a tipping point where being a company stops being cheaper: for EU citizens or permanent residents it’s around 8500 BGN per month, for others it’s around 6000 BGN.

Respected cryptographer Moxie Marlinspike has written up some thoughts on Ethereum and the modern ‘crypto’ ecosystem. Although I was involved in Bitcoin right at the beginning, I’ve never been involved in Ethereum or Web3, don’t currently own any cryptocurrencies and I broadly agree with a lot of what he says. Nonetheless I disagree on a few critical points. In this essay I’ll summarize parts of Moxie’s argument, lay out a couple of disagreements and then provide some suggestions for a path forward.

Tech Startup Wants To Gamify Suing People Using Crypto Tokens

GM recognizes California’s authority to set vehicle emissions rules

Boulder County allowing farmers to grow GMOs on open space after organic utopia didn’t materialize

Flexible work arrangements have become non-negotiable for job-seekers and employees alike — so much so that people now value such flexibility as much as a 10% pay raise, according to new research from the WFH Research Project. But not all companies are on the same page as their employees when it comes to remote and hybrid work. Nicholas Bloom, an economics professor at Stanford University, co-founded the research team in May 2020 alongside Jose Maria Barrero, an assistant professor at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City, and economist Steven J. Davis. Their latest research, shared on Jan. 3, collected responses from more than 17,000 employees in the United States about their attitudes toward working from home versus returning to the office. About 50% of respondents who have worked from home during the coronavirus pandemic said they would prefer a hybrid schedule once the virus is under control. Although large shares of people prefer a remote or hybrid work arrangement, Bloom, who has studied remote work for nearly 20 years, tells CNBC Make It that he expects there to be “huge battles” between employees and managers over remote work in the coming months.

Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab – but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’

A voyager named Tupaia guided Captain James Cook through the South Seas and drew an island-filled chart that has puzzled scholars for more than 250 years

Special Conditions: FedEx Express, Airbus Model A321-200 Airplanes; Installation of an Infrared Laser Countermeasure System.

A mortgage is a product, which is built by specialist workers using an immense and costly capital edifice, to be sold into a supply chain for consumers of that product. It incidentally happens to involve a house and a loan, but those two facts do not drive most behaviors of the mortgage industry. The structure of the manufacturing process, and the consuming supply chain, do.

Abandoned History: General Motors’ High Technology Engine, and Other CAFE Foibles (Part I)

Madame von Meck offered Tchaikovsky her generous patronage, but spoke to him only through letters.