An update on taxpayer $38B (!) backdoor electronic medical record subsidies

Brendan Keeler takes a snapshot [image rollup] of Epic Systems’ fhir page:

Epic’s work with FHIR means that any health system, hospital, or clinic that uses Epic’s comprehensive health record system can connect to any app that also supports FHIR to exchange health information, including but not limited to the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability – or USCDI – data classes and elements.

** I know there is much more to this tale than the 38B backdoor federal taxpayer subsidy, [background] but I wonder if we taxpayers have received substantive benefits when compared to the financialization of healthcare….

Posted in Uncategorized.


A new interim report describes the obstruction and secrecy around the mpox proposal as a case study in how the institute “oversees and accounts for the monitoring of potentially dangerous gain-of-function research of concern.” The revelations land amid global concerns about whether coronavirus gain-of-function research — research that might generate pathogens with increased pathogenicity or transmissibility — may have contributed to the worst pandemic in a century.

A documentary on the Mandalay Bay shooting.

NY Times journalist Natasha Frost has now been named as the person who downloaded about 900 pages of content from an Australian Jewish chat thread and shared it w/ an anti-Israel activist who doxxed everyone in the group.

this week’s judgement made it a lot more tangible. 50% of search in the USA happens on channels where Google has a contract to make it the default: 28% on Apple devices, 19.4% on Android (the OEMs and telcos decide the default on Android, not Google) and 2.3% on other browsers (i.e. Mozilla) – and then another 20% happens in user-downloaded Chrome on PCs. (Amusingly, the contract means that Google pays Apple even for searches done in Chrome on Apple devices.)

Surveillance Watch is an interactive map revealing the intricate connections between surveillance companies, their funding sources and affiliations.

I look at the fine print and gasp…170 sheets per roll. These days, a regular Charmin Ultra Soft roll, if you can find one, has 56 sheets. Even the roll they market as “Double” doesn’t have 170 sheets — it has 154. And the 1992 rolls are hardly the largest — the back of the package includes a note from parent company Procter & Gamble explaining these rolls have fewer sheets than a previous version.

Technician recruiting is increasingly hampered by competition from other industries and obsolete educational programs.

Aside from mass immigration, the most striking demographic development of the past decade is the large cohort of American women who have embraced the helping hand of the state in place of the increasingly suspect protections of fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In doing so, they have become the Democratic Party’s most enthusiastic and decisive constituency. According to a recent Pew survey, these Brides Of The State (BOTS) support Democrats over Republicans by a whopping 72-24%, providing the Party with its entire advantage in both national and most state elections. Married American women, by contrast, support Republicans by 50-45, which more or less matches the pro-Republican margin in every other age and gender demographic. Without the overwhelming support of BOTS for the Democrats, in other words, America would be a solid-majority Republican country in which Trump would win a likely electoral landslide.

In this conversation, Sal, Mark, and Bryan McGrath discuss the ongoing attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea by the Houthis, who are clients of Iran. They also talk about the performance of the US Navy in protecting commercial shipping, the investments made in the Navy, and improvements and challenges in the US Navy.

The study by Srishti Agrawal, Adit Seth and Rahul Goel found that the most notable rise in cycling in India had occurred among rural girls – increasing more than two times from 4.5% in 2007 to 11% in 2017 – reducing the gender gap in the activity.

The city has pledged $9.1 million for the grocery store project over the last four years: $4.6 million to purchase the space in 2021, $3.5 million for tenant and grocery store improvements in 2023 and an additional $1 million in tenant improvements in May 2024. City officials hope to recover as much of the May 2024 $1 million tenant improvement costs as possible through future payments from developers Rule Enterprises and Movin’ Out, according to an April 10 letterto all alders from Rolfs.

My next, and it turns out last, major visit to the Living Computer Museum (outside of a few drive-bys) came in 2018, when I spoke at an event being held there. This gifted me with a chance to see how things had changed in 5 years, and how they had.

Many of the constituent parts of our government, economy and culture are broken. But this is not an accident; it is by design. This article discusses the breakdown in just one key segment that is illustrated by the contrast between the trial of war criminals when we were at war and immediately afterwards, and the current system of systematic and indefinite delay.

The old ideal of California as the apex of the American dream has been shattered. Since the 1970s, middle-class incomes, once ebullient, have stagnated. The state may be home to the most billionaires in the nation, but it also suffers the widest gap between middle and upper-middle income earners. It also faces a deep budget deficit, tepid job growth and the nation’s highest unemployment. The state is home to 30 percent of the nation’s homeless population, with some now living in caves.

Perhaps the most significant line was one that was ad-libbed: “Those protesters out in the street, they’ve got a point.”

Over the past few years, TV makers have seen rising financial success from TV operating systems that can show viewers ads and analyze their responses. Rather than selling as many TVs as possible, brands like LG, Samsung, Roku, and Vizio are increasingly, if not primarily, seeking recurring revenue from already-sold TVs via ad sales and tracking. How did we get here? And what implications does an ad- and data-obsessed industry have for the future of TVs and the people watching them?

August 15, 2022 marked the one-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul. How did the Second Family honor the fallen? They went on vacation in Hawaii. Cost to the taxpayer for @SecretService lodging? Over $756,000.

It’s all about the reach and influence of specific demographics. Plus influencers don’t ask real questions — they just want content without friction. Despite its self-importance, old media is on a declining audience scale and influence curve. No surprise that politicians are finally getting the memo, long after fashion, culture, and tech brands got on the bandwagon.

the disconnect with main street America is just as big. I even heard elites talking about Russian interference in previous elections (as if that weren’t debunked many times) and how the Russians blew up NS2.

Senior White House economic advisor Jared Bernstein pointed to tax lobbyists as the reason the “carried interest loophole” was not included in a group of tax hikes Democrats intend to pass.

When her Republican challenger observed that almost all occupations are safer today than a generation ago, Tammy put up a video claiming Eric Hovde said farmers don’t work hard. It’s a flat-out lie. Now Sen. Baldwin is up with a spot saying Hovde hates single mothers. Eric Hovde must be reviewing anything he may have said about puppy dogs. The Hovde campaign responded Thursday 08-15-24 with a scolding from the candidate’s wife, Sharon

Just four years ago, Epic launched Cosmos, its data and research software with 270 million de-identified patient records; last year, doctors drafted the first AI-generated messages to patients. But as health professionals retire and health systems struggle to hire and retain sufficient staff, Hain sees an opportunity for Epic to answer those sorts of questions while “building a series of guardrails and managing expectations.” 

First of, he writes that it was “of course a system where the US made the rules and complied with them when it suited the US“. He gives the example of the WTO which “was very much an American creation but when it suited US domestic politics”, and now that it doesn’t anymore “the US effectively destroyed it by refusing to nominate the ‘arbitrators’ who are essential to its functioning”. He also says that “the rules-based system didn’t stop American involvement in Vietnam, or invasion of either Iraq or Afghanistan”. He encourages “anybody who doubts that the US itself obeys the ‘rules’ very selectively” to read The Arrogance of Power, by Senator William Fulbright (the longest-serving chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee).

The FP’s @JuliaTheIntern asks members of the press at the DNC what they think about the fact that Kamala has not given an interview.

Deadline understands that the fast-food firm has been working with a number of major production companies, including some of the studios, to create family-friendly shows, particularly in the unscripted space. It is also in talks to license and acquire content.

asking SCOTUS to review how Special Counsel Jack Smith, working hand in glove with former DC Chief Judge Beryl Howell, forced Twitter to produce Trump’s entire Twitter file and also impose a nondisclosure order prohibiting Twitter/X from notifying Trump about the search warrant.

There are investments you can’t make from a structured, nine-to-five, narrowly teleological environment. You have to let your life go fallow sometimes, like a crop rotation giving the land time to bring forth new fertility. This is actually a consequence of a fairly general theorem about how to find treasure in complex search spaces: The best search strategies for complex problems like life generally don’t seek out particular homogeneous objectives, but interesting novelty. The search space is too complicated and unknown for linear objective-chasing to work. Biological evolution, in practice, works through a diversity of niches which it explores in parallel to find unpredictable advances.

The PAF is a critically important national dataset. It’s not personal data – it’s a database that lists literally every physical postal address in the country, and it’s a very useful thing to have access to.

Athletes who swam in the Seine during the Olympic Games in Paris had higher rates of gastroenteritis than those in games past, a U.S. Olympic official told MedPage Today.

Where is the rightful outrage from environmentalists? Thousands of tons of crude oil will now pour into the Red Sea. This is a clear sign of the collapse of American credibility and deterrence. Letting the Iranian proxy Houthis shut off a major maritime seaway is an epic fail. America can and must do better! Leadership matters


So proud to have the Future President of the United States back in San Francisco where it all started.

Leaked government memo confirms whistleblowers were targeted by Border Agency after exposing federal DNA Collection law was not followed for immigration violations. Homeland Security whistleblowers claim American deaths “were preventable.”

The Chips Act, enacted two years ago Friday, is the nation’s most audacious foray into industrial policy since World War II. It’s essentially a bet that four companies — Intel Corp., Micron Technology Inc., Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and Samsung Electronics Co. — can bring sophisticated chip production back to the US. In a sign of the ambition, one explicit goal is making a fifth of the world’s most advanced processors by 2030, up from roughly zero today.

Judge orders CDC to stop deleting emails of departing staff, calling it ‘likely unlawful’

OpenStreetMap has grown exponentially or quadratically over the last twenty years depending on the metric you’re interested in. My involvement has waxed and waned like soul mates oscillating between rapture and, inevitably, wanting the best for each other in our post-relationship new lives.

Soros’s Open Society Foundations is a sprawling grantmaking network that disburses over $1 billion to left-wing causes as its founder bankrolls the Democratic Party. Democratic lawmakers are often later forced to distance themselves from their policy wish list items. But this comes only after pressure boils over into the public eye. Even liberal cities dealing with skyrocketing crime eventually want civil society restored.

“I have wondered if some in management roles today that were here when we lost Challenger and Columbia remember that in both of those tragedies, there were those that were not comfortable proceeding,” Milt Heflin, a retired NASA flight director who spent 47 years at the agency, wrote in an email to Ars. “Today, those memories are still around.”

Dreyer said his “brain was mush” and he was having hallucinations about freighters and a steel wall. He figured he would need a few more days to reach Milwaukee, but there was a forecast of 9-foot (2.7-meter) waves.

AT&T has been told to stop running ads that claim the carrier is already offering cellular coverage from space. AT&T intends to offer Supplemental Coverage from Space (SCS) and has a deal with AST SpaceMobile, a Starlink competitor that plans a smartphone service from low-Earth-orbit satellites. But AST SpaceMobile’s first batch of five satellites isn’t scheduled to launch until September.

You can get started with Proton Docs using a free Proton account, which gives you 5GB of cloud storage space for all your files. An upgrade to one of the paid plans, which start at $4.99 a month, give you more space and benefits across other Proton products (including extra email addresses and email filters).

Former President Donald Trump is known for his off-script moments. But his signature freewheeling banter also masks important consistency. He is, actually, predictable. Listening to his recent on-the-campaign-trail speeches reveals some patterns:

Worse yet for the Dems, many of the minority voters they expected would produce their “new Democratic majority” — a term coined by Teixeira in the 1990s before reality set in — are not only unmoved, but are positively repelled, by woke issues like trans rights, abortion, defunding the police and more.

Susan Wild, the Democratic Pennsylvania congresswoman in one of the country’s tightest House races, has privately and repeatedly trashed working-class conservative voters in her district as bigots who “drank the Trump Kool-Aid.” But in public, the Pennsylvania Democrat has drastically moderated her positions on hot-button issues as she seeks reelection in her battleground district.

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, Axios has found.

The worry is about the state of our country and the DNC’s all-out, anti-democratic lawfare campaign.

Which is why the magnetic poetry version of the life of Luckey that does the story justice goes more like this: Before the recent preference cascade enabling high-profile tech moguls to violate the taboo against supporting Donald Trump, there was first the lonely figure of Palmer Luckey, the homeschooled, Jules Verne-obsessed, amateur scientist with no money, whose faith in the power of technology was so strong that he worked jobs sweeping ship yards, scrubbing decks, fixing engines, repairing phones, and training to sing as a gondolier for tourists, all in order to spend his nights in a gutted 19-foot camper trailer trying to manufacture dream worlds out of breadboards and lens equipment and accelerometers and magnetometers and a soldering iron—which he did, bringing virtual reality to the masses, burning a hole in his retina with a laser, and losing it all to Zuckerberg over a meme, only to reemerge from his defrocking by Big Tech as a vengeance-seeking icon of counterelite Americana, the aspiring rebuilder of the arsenal of democracy, the black mullet-, chin beard-, Hawaiian shirt-, cargo short-, sandal-clad possible savior of America.

NEW: The New York Times has suddenly discovered that Hunter Biden never registered under FARA, despite taking millions from Russia, China, Ukraine, and Romania to lobby the U.S. government.

This is the best example of how we have all been manipulated by MSM and the Dems. I also finally saw the whole video a fee months ago and that was actually my hoky fuck moment. Trump condemned the Nazi’s. He was referring to something ttly different with ‘good people on both sides’. I believe it was taking down the statues.

That explains why no one including secret service was able to “find” the bomb. It was planted later, to be conveniently found, along with the RNC bomb, within a 15 minute time frame that perfectly coincided with unfolding Ray Epps orchestrated breach of Capitol

When asked in 2020, she was unequivocal: “there’s no question, I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Seems an unlikely change!

Study co-led by Mass General Brigham found that one in four patients with severe brain injury who appeared unresponsive responded to instructions covertly. Understanding this phenomenon can help guide decisions about life-sustaining treatment, goals of care, and clinical management, according to the authors.

Police have been scouring the narrow streets for unauthorised units poking out over the terraces of the village’s homes. There were reports of 22 illegally installed units spotted on various rooftops and terraces between January and May, and a further 15 since June as temperatures soared.

A vast majority of the instructions sent to banks do not move through the modern day REST APIs that we are used to, they move through file.

A new version of the London Underground map designed by a University of Essex lecturer has gone viral.

“The best and most secure way to conduct elections? Paper ballots.”

In 1948, Taruffi devised a twin-torpedo four-wheeler, the Tarf I Bisiluro, with a 492-cc Gilera four-cylinder as one of its possible powerplants. Running in the 500-cc class, Taruffi and the Tarf I set six world speed records for various distances and standing-start or flying conditions. A swap to 1500-cc power garnered two more speed/distance records in that class.

We have received further demands for censorship and for the personal account information of our users, impacting not just Brazilians but residents of the United States and Argentina.  We share those here in the interests of essential transparency.

Just look at it. The implications are so … well … shocking that they don’t seem to quite sink in. This report was funded in 2019 and delivered in 2024, 150% of the time it took for the USA to defeat Imperial Japan in the Pacific.

The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion.

We have long maintained that the two smoking guns of the January 6 Fedsurrection are the curious case of Ray Epps, on the one hand, and the RNC/DNC pipe bomb hoax, on the other. Our extensive reporting on the case of Epps enjoyed a natural assist from the fact that the now-iconic video of Epps urging the crowd to go “into the Capitol” and the subsequent chants from the crowd of “Fed, Fed, Fed” were seemingly tailor-made to go viral. While our ground-breaking reporting on January 6 had been no less comprehensive and no less damning, for the longest time it lacked a corresponding video clip to help carry this historic scandal into mainstream attention.

tour inside @blueorigin’s New Glenn Production Facility at Cape Canaveral,

When Your Customers Disappear

In addition to Luckey, Cramer invited defense giant Lockheed Martin to participate in the Summit. Lockheed has purchased a large booth and will feature a Ground Control Station and model of its RQ 170 Sentinel. Lockheed will also provide breakout speakers.

In this work, we computationally mined the global microbiome (63,410 metagenomes and 87,920 microbial genomes) and discovered nearly 1 million new antibiotic molecules in microbial dark matter, several of which were effective in preclinical mouse models. This is the largest antibiotic discovery exploration ever described. We believe our approach marks a significant advancement in uncovering these essential molecules from the vast biodiversity of the global microbiome.

“It’s a shame because Massachusetts is forcing us to do that,” Rose said. “They’re going to lose their revenue, you know, money every year they’re going to get for excise tax, [and] sales tax when somebody tries to register it.”

But the vacancy rate for downtown Chicago has reached 30 percent, not due to Covid, but to the Black Lives Matter riots and subsequent smash and grab sprees of theft. This puts increased strain on taxpayers.

Trump critics say his full-on embrace of crypto is overshadowed by critical comments of it in the past, and that his admin can’t be trusted to prioritize crypto. These same critics (pro-Harris camp) say nevermind the aggressive anti-crypto actions of the current administration that Harris is vice president of, when she’s in office, things could be different!

Mr. Chairman, many questions remain, yet several theories have been examined, and several questions have already been answered. I am prayerful that our Task Force can move forward effectively and professionally, guided by our shared love for America and our determination to seek full truth. Please know, as we continue our investigation into the attempted assassination of our former President, you can rely upon me as a solemn investigator of fact. It is with that spirit that I submit this confidential preliminary investigative report.

For the 9/10 drugs they announced here’s when generics go on sale due to patents. Not shown are the company’s own newer alternatives (like pens).

Widowed wife of slain Trump supporter Corey Comperatore has retained an attorney to get answers and accountability for major security failures at Butler, PA rally:

The Flywheel effect is a concept developed in the book Good to Great. No matter how dramatic the end result, good-to-great transformations never happen in one fell swoop. In building a great company or social sector enterprise, there is no single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment. Rather, the process resembles relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond.

We looked at data from three of the largest audiobook platforms—Audible, Apple Books, and Spotify—and found a total of 847,685 audiobooks currently available on these platforms.

Eckerman is an ecologist with an interest in biodiversity, as well as in species’ natural histories, behaviors, life cycles, and places in the food chain. Moths are so diverse, he says, that it’s not uncommon to find one that hasn’t been named or described in the scientific literature. No entomologist studies “moths”; out of necessity, they specialize. Travis County has about 1,400 recorded species, the state of Texas more than 4,000. And those are just the ones we know about. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, and there are likely more undiscovered insect species than known ones—as many as 10 to 20 million species worldwide still left to discover, Rice University biologist Scott Egan told Texas Monthlyearlier this year.

Harris’ and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff’s social media accounts also directly contradict the VP’s claims by showing that the pair filled out women’s basketball brackets in 2021.

The federal government announces a program to issue block grants for states to purchase and operate shuttered grocery stores. The USDA also seizes closed-down production facilities.

This is a brilliant explanation by physicist @hsu_steve of the enormous mistake the US made with its semiconductor sanctions on China, basically sanctioning its own firms and creating a huge market opportunity for Chinese companies.

Noise complaints are just the latest challenge for Amazon’s drone program that’s been struggling to get off the ground since the company started testing deliveries in 2022. A mix of regulatory hurdles, missed deadlines and layoffs last year, coinciding with widespread cost-cutting efforts by CEO Andy Jassy, has halted progress of the ambitious service, which was conceived of by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos more than a decade ago.

findings support the democratic favor channel and challenge the idea that the institutional qualities of democracy per se lead to desirable outcomes.

According to the International Crisis Group, a think-tank, the Clan del Golfo, a gang that controls the entrance to the jungle on the Colombian side, nets over $4bn a year. Much of it is thought to come from human trafficking.


So why is software so terrible? Why do high-end gaming PCs struggle to browse the web at 60 frames per second? Why does a simple calculator need a splash screen? Why does your phone’s battery still die so quickly? And why does each update make the problem worse?And why do we all use huge frameworks that no one understands? Why do our projects take minutes to compile? Why do we have to restart our language servers every twenty minutes? And why does everyone think this is fine? We made it terrible.

Desperately looking for the country of origin I see ‘Netherlands’. The tomatoes look as desperate as I do. They traveled a long way, from the Netherlands to a Croatian island and I am sure the producers spent a lot of effort to grow them, but they look pale and boring, worn out like I do after travelling all day. The smell is horrible.

There is no “company success” unless civilization itself continues to progress.

The five-minute video shows a conversation between a person identified as Dr. Stacy De-Lin, Planned Parenthood New York City Medical Director for Abortion Services, and an undercover reporter with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). During their conversation, De-Lin seems to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood would sell the livers of aborted babies.

Higher prices today can mean greater efforts at price discrimination, including over time.  That too can mean lower prices (compared to the counterfactual) at later points in time, or sometimes today as well.

Why does this matter? On one level, it’s an indicator of the unsustainability of many generative AI applications. Even with $150m in funding — which is a decent amount of capital — likely couldn’t keep the lights on for very long, thus necessitating its absorption by a larger company. 

some wild stats in judge’s ruling: Google’s internal numbers showed that they’d lose up to 80% of searches on Apple devices, a revenue hit of $30B, if they surrendered default search position

The analysis sheds light on a legal and common way deep-pocketed groups lobby lawmakers in the state of California that is home to Hollywood, musical powerhouses, renowned theme parks and high-grossing sports teams. While many lawmakers accept invites to such events as a way to build relationships with important constituents or highlight major players in their districts, the gifts also raise ethics questions about the privileges enjoyed by public servants.

Hamtramck’s first woman mayor told our journalist she is “absolutely positive” she was ballot harvested out of office. Karen Majewski lost her election bid in 2021 after serving the city of Hamtramck for 18 years, first as a city council president, and then 16 years as mayor. A true Hamtramck insider, Majewski shepherded her city through major ethnic, racial, and religious shifts only to see the town’s progressive open door policy result in her ouster.

A Message to X Users

This Is How Much It Costs to Bring the Michelin Guide to Houston

These are the main building blocks of how I built a scraping pipeline forpricewatcher in order to keep track of how supermarkets change their prices.

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is one of my favorite datasets because it has anything and everything. If it could conceivably exist on a map, it probably exists in OpenStreetMap. Whether it’s military bases, lakes, hedges, or power lines, it can all be mapped in OSM. But the scope of this data can be daunting. The entire planet file takes up a whopping 1,931 GB uncompressed.1 As such, using this data can require a lot of RAM and a lot of time. Luckily, there are many open source tools freely available to help make sense of this large dataset. In my experience creating projects with OSM, I’ve used many of these tools to create interesting visualizations and to answer questions about the world we live in.

Often, the issue was not with the copier but with unintentionally destructive behavior by the users.  That, too, was considered fixable.  Orr declares that the technicians’

Now let’s normalize this by comparing $RIVN and $LCID to $TSLA when they had similar Revenue back in the day*:

They will use those drones to create pop-up blockades (air/land/sea) for commercial traffic stretching hundreds—thousands of miles.

During a fireside chat yesterday, SpaceX President & COO Gwynne Shotwell confirmed that Starlink can provide everybody in rural and semi-rural U.S. with high-speed broadband internet connectivity for a very small fraction of the price of laying down a fiber optic cable.

Signs of the approaching storm were already visible the day after the murders, when Britain’s new Labour Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer visited Southport to lay the obligatory wreath and was met by vocal hostility from locals. This time the public wasn’t willing to go along with the British state’s choreographed rites of candlelit vigils and the hollow “anti-hate” messaging from state-sponsored community leaders mechanically deployed in the aftermath of now-increasingly frequent atrocities.

Given that the problems are, on some level, built into the structure of the NPS, “I think it needs a complete radical reform,” says Jarvis, the former director. The National Park Service Centennial Act from 2015 lays some groundwork to level the playing field with concessionaires, he says: It gives the agency broad authority to award new contracts without specifying how they should be structured, unlike earlier laws. Almost a decade later, the park service is still working on regulations to implement the law. But in theory, it could take greater control of its own assets and shift the balance of power back to the land it’s bound to protect. For change like that to happen, there needs to be pressure from political leadership, Jarvis says—and therefore, ultimately, from the American people. After all, the parks are supposed to be for them, and Jarvis says, “They should be pissed off.”

NASA is planning to significantly delay the launch of the Crew 9 mission to the International Space Station due to ongoing concerns about the Starliner spacecraft currently attached to the station.

Pilot labor leaders from around the world have sent Airbus CEO @GuillaumeFaury a letter that makes clear: technology alone can never replace the indispensable role of two pilots on the flight deck.

I would argue that ultimately, the same will be true for Google. What will eventually end the reign of Google Search isn’t the rise of Bing or some other would-be competitor in internet search, it’s going to be something tangential that makes internet search just matter less. Maybe it has something to do with AI (though I’d be skeptical that something like SearchGPT is the, um, answer). Or perhaps it’s something no one is really thinking about right now. I don’t know. I’m just pretty certain that this case will have little to do with that end.

The third bomb’s plutonium core went on to have a history of its own. After the surrender it was sent to Los Alamos for use in experiments to determine how much material was needed to produce a critical mass under different circumstances. On August 21, 1945, less than a week after Japan notified the US that it would accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, physicist Harry Daghlian was performing an experiment when he accidentally dropped a piece of “tamper” material, used to reflect neutrons back into the core, and triggered a critical mass. Daghlian used his bare hands to pull the mass apart to stop the chain reaction, and absorbed a fatal dose of radiation. He died three weeks later. A military security guard in the room with him, Private Robert Hemmerly, was also irradiated but survived, only to die of cancer 33 years later.

Confused? That’s because these filings from Harris are irregular. If Kamala Harris had used her own candidate ID number, like every other candidate in modern history, this wouldn’t have been so complicated, but then it would have been difficult to make the case that she’s entitled to Biden’s war chest. Undoubtedly, these filings are trying to circumvent those pesky campaign finance laws.

Another example of how US competitiveness, security, and resilience is becoming completely reliant on out of the box thinking and “moonshots” (SpaceX, Anduril, OpenAI, MCCPDC, etc.) by rogue billionaires.

Ortberg’s long list of things to do reflects a failure of leadership by Calhoun.

“According to Safety and Mission Assurance officials at NASA and DCMA officials at Michoud, Boeing’s quality control issues are largely caused by its workforce having insufficient aerospace production experience.”

…Weiss just made the case against the Justice Department and himself in protecting Hunter Biden from the most damaging charges of being an unregistered foreign agent. The latest filing includes another presumptive FARA violation involving Romanians and influencing U.S. policy.

Additional footage was just released of abortion leaders at Planned Parenthood giggling about MUTILATING fetal bodies to cover up criminal LATE-TERM abortions.

and to this very moment we have heard no explanation from Biden as to why he withdrew, and not a single “journalist” has had the cajones to ask Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer or Jeffries a SINGLE QUESTION about all of this. This is the biggest political story of any of our lifetimes, and the major media is wholly and utterly incurious about it.

The evidence I can find does show that Frankfurt has the highest crime rate in Germany, although perhaps much of that standing comes from the presence of the financial district and the city being such a transport and convention hub, rather than from the immigrants per se. In any case, if you wish to understand the popularity of AfD — which now seems to be Germany’s #2 political party — I suggest you take a walk around Frankfurt.  I didn’t even go near the train station.

Notes on voting machines.

The U.S. Army has a 25% recruitment deficit. Ask yourself why.

“According to a 2023 University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) report, beef production can be climate-neutral or even better if management practices are optimized to minimize emissions and maximize abilities to store carbon.

Harris’s campaign Web site, meanwhile, does not even have a policy section, or an articulation of beliefs. There’s just a button to donate, some merch and yard signs, and a biography that describes her as “the daughter of parents who brought her to civil rights marches in a stroller.”

During the USS Eisenhower carrier strike group’s twice-extended nine-month deployment to the Red Sea, U.S. forces fired over 135 Tomahawk land attack missiles, weapons that cost upwards of $2 million apiece, at Houthi targets in Yemen. The ships also launched 155 standard missiles of various kinds, which cost between $2 million and $4 million per missile, to destroy the drones.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has quietly hired a celebrity photographer — who boasts Mark Zuckerberg, George W. Bush and Barack Obama as previous clients — to burnish his man-about-the-state image. Charles Ommanney, a former photojournalist and war photographer who traveled with Newsom to China last fall as a freelancer, was on hand Thursday to capture Newsom in aviator sunglasses, jeans and work gloves, picking up detritus left over from a recently-cleared homeless encampment in Los Angeles County. Late last month, he photographed the governor surveying the damage of the Borel Fire in Kern County.

On July 22, POLITICO began receiving emails from an anonymous account. Over the course of the past few weeks, the person — who used an AOL email account and identified themselves only as “Robert” — relayed what appeared to be internal communications from a senior Trump campaign official. A research dossier the campaign had apparently done on Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, which was dated Feb. 23, was included in the documents. The documents are authentic, according to two people familiar with them and granted anonymity to describe internal communications. One of the people described the dossier as a preliminary version of Vance’s vetting file.

Blunt truth telling by Prof. Decosimo. People may avert their gaze, pretend not to know, change the subject, but it does not change the reality.

Forest Service orders Arrowhead bottled water company to shut down California pipeline

AI systems, when trained on historical data, can inherit and amplify human biases, particularly from flawed past hiring practices. This can result in the unfair exclusion of candidates based on irrelevant factors, undermining the potential of otherwise qualified individuals. Combining AI with human oversight can ensure balanced and just decision-making.

The Biden-Harris Admin also launched a novel new IRS crackdown on tips, getting the IRS inside the door at bars & restaurants to directly monitor tips at the cash register, “at point-of-sale.” She also backed the $1.7T spending legislation expecting taxpayers to report their $600 phone app transactions to the IRS without she and the Senate reading the bill (later dropped as untenable). Kamala Harris, who now claims to be against taxing tips, was the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which expanded the IRS so it could go after people not paying taxes on tips.


The strange and total lack of curiosity around:

Is it not abnormal for a person to serve as U.S. Senator for 36 years, then to go on to be Vice President for 8 years, and still have time left to serve as President, and even to run for reelection as President when he is 81, and then to drop the nomination after excluding competitors and winning it in the primaries, handing the nomination to a person who never won any votes in any bid for the presidency? Is it not abnormal for a President to oversee the criminal prosecution of his predecessor, his rival, and then, after dropping out, to seek to rearrange the Supreme Court to enhance the likelihood that his rival will suffer real criminal punishment?

Earlier this week, the New York Times published a collection of personal emails between J.D. Vance and a law school friend of his.  The two were politically far apart, but for many years shared a close and respectful friendship in which they discussed the things that they agreed and disagreed about.  Then the friend, Sofia Nelson, who identifies as a “gender queer radical pragmatist” broke off the friendship over Vance’s support for an Arkansas bill banning gender reassignment for minors.  Here’s what Vance said that was apparently too much for Sofia’s “radical pragmatist’ sensibilities:

“the separation line between being ambitious or being wrong was very thin”

Both OEMs’ views have key flaws.

This kind of Systemic collapse is endemic to human history, to greater or lesser degrees.

according to a senior law enforcement official…

A hacker has stolen a wealth of data from health giant Bausch Health, has attempted to extort the company, and has told associates they think the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will buy back the data, 404 Media has found. 

As a courtesy to law enforcement, we are not going to post the entire request. This is the first page of that request.

And no, not “every court” has said special counsel office is lawful. DC appellate court upheld Mueller appointment (of course) but it has never been challenged outside of DC. Cannon concluded the appointment of Smith was unconstitutional because it violated the Appointments Clause without a presidential nomination and Senate approval. She also determined the 4 random statutes Garland cited in his appointment order did not apply.

She has a Bible once treasured by a Green Bay couple. She wants their descendants to have it.

This trend of spinning and manufacturing a parallel reality to serve the Dem agenda, solidified by complicit mainstream media, hit home with the Hunter Biden laptop story, the coordinated vilification of President Trump and his followers, and President Biden’s cognitive decline — depriving voters of a voice in a proper primary. These examples displayed the hubris of the current Dem leadership. You must think the American people are fools to believe the spin on these issues. I despise this elite vs. general population ideology viscerally.

“and that she ought to embrace her hazy ideological categorization because “if she keeps people continually guessing then she can adjust the interpretation of your guess every time she sees you.”

We know that Malley’s security clearances were pulled, and he was placed under investigation by the FBI, but repeated Congressional inquiries have shaken almost no information loose from Team Biden. Is Rob Malley the victim of a witch hunt, or the new Alger Hiss, an Iranian mole embedded in the White House in two Democratic administrations?

New data reveal how companies that farm out IT workers exploit flaws in the visa lottery while other US businesses and talented immigrants lose out.

Since the global financial crisis of 2008-10, China has lost faith in the western economic model and is pursuing its own system. In the process it has become far less open to international criticism. “They dealt with the financial crisis much better than anybody else and I would say that’s when we lost them,” he says. China’s market remains deeply challenging for foreign businesses.

In a headline blaring: “Gov. Shapiro’s Failures Enabled Sexual Harassment,” the National Women’s Defense League said in a statement that the Harris vetting team should “consider the handling of past complaints of sexual harassment inside the Pennsylvania Governor’s office.” The group claims to be a nonpartisan organization dedicated to preventing sexual harassment.

In the world of data, CSV is the cockroach of file formats. It’s simple, resilient, and seemingly impossible to kill off. While flashier formats have come and gone, CSV quietly reigns supreme in the data processing kingdom. But how the hell did this happen? Let’s dive into the fascinating history of this accidental standard.

One week ago, the last time NASA officials spoke to the media, the agency’s program manager for commercial crew, Steve Stich, would not be drawn into discussing what would happen should NASA conclude that Starliner’s thrusters were not reliable enough for the return journey to Earth.

“Vice President Harris was the deciding vote for the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act. She owns those, they would not have passed, it was 50-50 and she broke the tie. Those caused the great inflation.

“So many Democrat voting women, often married, think Trump is untrustworthy because they believe he slept with side chicks. So now they are going to demonstrate how much they hate Trump by voting for the actual side chick, Kamala Harris. It’s honestly amazing,” the message shared by Patrick read.

The British businessman Mike Lynch, who this June was acquitted in the US of a multi-billion pound fraud, has said he believes he was only able to clear his name because of his huge wealth.

“I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.” If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”

Indeed, there is evidence that, following U.S. export controls, China has boosted domestic innovation and self-reliance, and increased purchases from non-U.S. firms that produce similar technology to the U.S.-made ones subject to export controls.” In other words, it’s almost a pure loss for US firms who lose customers, revenue and market capitalization whereas the affected Chinese firms find alternative suppliers and China boosts its domestic innovation and self-reliance.

Notably, not all of DJI’s funding came from the Chinese government. Foolishly, in retrospect, the growth of the Chinese drone industry was, in part, fueled by American venture capital. In 2014 and 2015, Sequoia and Accel made major investments in DJI, collectively exceeding any funding for 3DR, Airware, or any other American drone manufacturers. With CCP subsidies and American capital, DJI would continue to dominate the global market. Naturally, a mass-extinction event for U.S. companies followed. In 2016, 3D Robotics shut downits drone manufacturing business line, and Airware, a leading American enterprise drone manufacturer, closed its doors in 2018.

However, we find no evidence of reshoring or friend-shoring. As a result of these disruptions, affected suppliers have negative abnormal stock returns, wiping out $130 billion in market capitalization, and experience a drop in bank lending, profitability, and employment.