Thorsten Wetzling in Madison [mp3]:
“After two years of “Überwachungsdebatte” (surveillance debate) in Germany and halfway through the NSA-inquiry committee within the German Bundestag, the German government has now begun to discuss ideas on how to reform the current intelligence laws and oversight regime. This discussion sets the scene for understanding post-Snowden, post-Paris intelligence politics in Germany. Next, it introduces the main findings of a recent study on the oversight regime for German SIGINT activities, including its main policy recommendations. Finally, the discussion assesses the future of U.S.-German security cooperation against the backdrop of the Safe Harbor decision of the European Court of Justice.”
I’m glad Wetzling’s schedule included a Madison stop. His talk was an interesting reflection of the post Snowden fallout – from Berlin.
I apologize for the not so great recording quality. The result – from my iPhone – was better than expected.
Finally, thanks to Elizabeth Covington for organizing these events.