A Year in Madison Blogs – 2005

Kristian Knutsen:

Throughout the state, the emergence of this form of direct communication is mirroring national trends. Political blogs dominate the field, though increasingly more writers focus on contentious topics of other stripes, such as places of eating and merriment. In Madison, locally-oriented blogging is being led by a number of group efforts focused upon education, taverns, and the overall experience of living in town, complemented by a growing host of political writers. Here’s my thoughts about the growth of blogging in Madison over 2005.

Microsoft Takes Down Chinese Blogger

Rebecca McKinnon:

Microsoft’s MSN Spaces continues to censor its Chinese language blogs, and has become more aggressive and thorough at censorship since I first checked out MSN’s censorship system last summer.  On New Years Eve, MSN Spaces took down the popular blog written by Zhao Jing, aka Michael Anti. Now all you get when you attempt to visit his blog at: http://spaces.msn.com/members/mranti/ is the error message pictured above. (You can see the Google cache of his blog up until Dec.22nd here.)

Note, this blog was TAKEN DOWN by MSN people. Not blocked by the Chinese government.

2006 Governor’s Race: Interview with Scott Walker

Colin Benedict interviews Republican Candidate for Governor Scott Walker:

He won by promising to be frugal and restoring ethics, a blueprint he’s following again.
“As Governor, right off the bat, that first day in office, I would call a special session to pass a true property tax freeze on all four years I’m in office,” said Walker. “On all levels of government.” Walker admits Gov.Doyle’s plan has helped some people but calls it a phony freeze because on average tax bills went up. He criticizes Doyle saying the governor essentially borrowed the money to pay for it instead of cutting programs.

The Road Ahead: Safer, Snazzier, Smarter Cars

Bill Vlasic:

The pace of change isn’t limited to the vehicle itself, but also how it is designed, engineered, manufactured and sold.

With automakers fighting fiercely for new customers in the U.S. market, innovation can mean the difference between success and failure.

“The ability of the industry to create variety at a low cost is greater than it ever has been,” said David Cole, director of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor. “The cost of risk is decreasing.”