Philadelphia WiFi: Why are the incumbent telco’s fighting this?

Dianah Neff (Philadelphia’s CIO):

Why are Wireless Philadelphia and other city wireless programs such a big threat? More precisely, why do the big boys keep trying to kill our Wi-Fi networks?

Tell me who among incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs)–have deployed ubiquitous, high-speed wireless networks that support roaming/mobile capabilities. No ILEC. Who provides high-speed, broadband, ubiquitous services at dial-up rates for the underserved populations? No ILEC. Who is working to get equipment and training into the homes of low-income and disadvantaged portions of our community? Again, no ILEC.

Sensenbrenner Strikes again – H.R. 418: National ID Bill

From the taking away our rights to make us safer department, Wisconsin Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, assured of a safe seat, has introduced a National ID bill (H.R. 418). I wonder if any of his constituents understand or support this initiative.

We remember Sensenbrenner’s earlier efforts on behalf of his Hollywood constituents…

How any of this benefits Wisconsin’s citizens or economy is beyond me. Sensenbrenner is a poster boy for congressional redistricting reform.

Decland McCullagh forwarded this:

You will remember that late last year, Congress passed (and the
President signed) legislation which starts us down the road to a
National ID card. In the name of preventing alien terrorists from
operating in this country, the so-called Intelligence Reform bill gave
federal bureaucrats unprecedented new powers to force changes in
state-issued driver’s licenses — including, possibly, the addition of
computer chip technology that can facilitate the tracking of all
U.S. citizens.

Now, the House will be debating new legislation, H.R. 418, that was
recently introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). In
considering this bill, the U.S. House will vote on whether to empower
the federal government to determine who can get a driver’s license —
and under what conditions..

BU: 50% of medical expenses are wasted….

Victoria Colliver:

About 50 percent of health care spending is eaten up by waste, excessive prices and fraud, according to a report set for release today by Boston University researchers.

Major sources of unnecessary spending include administrative costs and profit in the insurance industry, high prices of prescription drugs and health services and, to a smaller extent, theft and fraud, according to the study.

Wisconsin Property Taxes: Doyle Plan vs. Republicans

Patrick Marley, Steven Walters & Scott Williams on the two “freeze” (not really) proposals:

But the two proposals are difficult to compare because the approaches are so different, Berry said.

“From the perspective of local government, they would probably prefer Doyle; from the perspective of a fiscally strapped property owner, the Republican plan would probably be preferable,” Berry said.

Broadcast Flag will Kill Superbowl Commercial Parties

Hollywood takes away more fair use rights. Cory Doctorow:

Every year, EFF president Brad Templeton throws a special Superbowl party: they tivo the whole Superbowl, ignore the football, and watch the ads. This might be the last year that they get to do this, though: when the Broadcast Flag kicks in this summer, this kind of shenanigan will require hardware that’s illegal to make and sell:

Milwaukee Voting Strangeness – Continued

Tom Kertscher & Greg Borowski continue looking into Milwaukee’s troubled election records:

If Milwaukee election records are correct, someone named Marquis F. Murff registered at the polls Nov. 2 and voted from an address on E. Knapp St.

Trouble is, the address is home to St. Catherine Residence, which has allowed only women to live there for 110 years.

Indeed, city records show that someone with an identical name and middle initial also registered at the polls that day and voted from 1503 N. Franklin Place. That address does not exist.

Farm Subsidies: Out of Control

Four recipients of federal farm subsidies who likely don’t need the handout:

  • David Rockefeller, the former chairman of Chase Manhattan and grandson of oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, who received 99 times more subsidies than the median farmer;
  • Scottie Pippen, professional basketball star, who received 39 times more subsidies than the median farmer;
  • Ted Turner, the 25th wealthiest man in America, who received 38 times more subsidies than the median farmer; and
  • Kenneth Lay, the ousted Enron CEO and multi-millionaire, who received 3 times more subsidies than the median farmer.

Read more here.

UW Team Revives dying neurons Related to Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s

Ryan Joerres:

The new findings could eventually help halt the progression of such diseases by averting the deterioration of the neurons involved in such diseases.
UW professor of pharmacology Jeff Johnson, the lead researcher of the group, has been recognized across the nation for his recent findings concerning Alzheimer’s disease and the natural defense mechanisms involved in similar neurodegenerative diseases.