The Making of California Wine in 39 parts

Fascinating series on the making of California wine:

“Over two years, Chronicle writer Mike Weiss documented the making of the 2002 Ferrari-Carano Fum? Blanc. The glory of spring in a verdant vineyard. A couple who risk a fortune on a dream. The subtle science of nurturing flavor from soil. The tale of migrant workers from a Mexican village. This serial saga will continue Monday through Friday in Datebook. The story opens today in a New York restaurant, where the first bottle of the vintage is to be finally uncorked.”

Photo Gallery

Local Power Politics

Incumbent Seat 5 School Board Candidate Ruth Robarts forwarded me a note today that outlined MTI Voters (Madison Teachers, Inc. PAC) expenditures on behalf of her opponent, Alix Olson:

This looks like a rather expensive election. Olson has raised nearly twice as much money as Robarts, according to recent campaign finance disclosure filings. MTI Voters had $47K on hand according to their March 25, 2004 campaign finance disclosure filing [116K PDF].
This campaign reminds me of Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold’s 1998 race vs. Mark Neumann. The Republican’s spent millions in soft (PAC) money in an effort to defeat Feingold (it should be noted that the Democrats planned to do the same but stopped after Feingold objected).

Madison School Board Election Update

School Board Candidates & Groups (PAC’s) filed their latest campaign finance disclosures this past week. I’ve added receipts, expenditure and PAC receipt data here. Highlights include:

Raised most $’s: Alix Olson $11,203.21

(Olson’s opponent, incumbent Ruth Robarts has raised $5,839.44 and has accepted no PAC money)

Received most Pac $’s: Alix Olson $2,185.00
Raised least amount: Sam Johnson $1,656.30

(Johnson’s opponent, incumbent Shwaw Vang has
raised $5,153,98 and has accepted $2,135 in PAC money)

Raised least PAC $’s: Ruth Robarts $0.00
PAC with most cash: MTI Voters
(Madison Teachers, Inc. PAC)
PAC with least cash: Get Real $289.81
Fund raising
Seat 3 Sam Johnson $1,656.30 Shwaw Vang $5,153.98
PAC Receipts $306.30 $2,135.00
Seat 4 Melania Alvarez $2,111.27 Johnny Winston, Jr.$9,683.93
PAC Receipts $266.27 $600 other + $1560MTI*
Seat 5 Alix Olson $11,203.21 Ruth Robarts $5,839.44
PAC Receipts $2,185.00 $0.00
more here…
and vote April 6, 2004

* MTI Voters Campaign Finance Disclosure shows a $1,560 contribution to Johnny Winston, Jr’s campaign on March 17, 2004, but Winston’s March 29, 2004 disclosure does not show the receipt of this contribution.

Connected Math Controversy: “It’s not a bad thing to learn language, but there’s a language arts class”

– UW-Madison Math & Computer Science Professor Jin-Yi Cai in Lee Sensenbrenner’s article on the Madison School District’s Connected Math controversy.

Board of Education candidate Melania Alvarez has made curriculum (esp math) a centerpiece of her campaign. Melania’s interview transcript has quite a few useful links on this subject.
Connected Math Links: Teoma | Alltheweb | Yahoo | Google

Google’s Hypocrisy?

Google, which makes a very nice living scraping internet sites (copying & storing images, text & data from sites around the world) and presenting that data to search users has issued a issued a cease-and-desist order against British programmer Julian Bond with a warning that the creation of a news feed from the results of Google News was against its terms of reference. From Jeff Jarvis.
Search engine alternatives: Teoma | Alltheweb | Yahoo Search

School Board Election Updates

Two interesting items related to the April 6, 2004 Madison School Board Election:

  • Doug Erickson writes that Madison Teachers, Inc. filed a request with the UW Madison for all records pertaining to Ruth Robarts salary & compensation. (Robarts is an assistant law school dean)
  • This Week’s Isthmus has a fascinating set of letters regarding their recent article on the School District’s math curriculum. Unfortunately, not online.