Classic Product Line Extensions: Diet Coke & Tide

Bruce Mohl on the ongoing effort to trade on well known brand names:

Two huge consumer brands have been busy cloning themselves.

Procter & Gamble Co. rolled out a cold-water version of its blockbuster Tide laundry detergent earlier this month. Coca-Cola Co., meanwhile, unveiled plans to start selling a seventh version of Diet Coke, this time sweetened with Splenda instead of aspartame

Buy Local & Live Free: Tired Tomatoes

Our wonderful farmer’s market supports Robin Good’s statement that we should “Buy local and Live Free”. Good provides a useful illustration:

It?s gotten to the point where much of our nourishment depends on a handful of giants.
And they?re shipping foods an average of 1500 miles to reach your plate, a practice that strains anyone?s notion of ?fresh.?
But a quiet revolution is in the air, and we the eaters hold the power for change.
The typical Tom (tomato) is exhausted by the time he gets to market.
1500 miles from field to fork ? that?s the trek made by the average fruit or vegetable these days. Because of the need to hold up over distances, our foods are bred, not for taste but for transport ? their ability to handle the long haul. And what do we eaters get? Tired tomatoes

Yesterday’s winter farmer’s market included a big stack of tomatoes, potatoes, cheeses, honey, spinach, apples, eggs, pork and beef.

Chocolate Recipes for the Holidays

Susan Stamberg presents several chocolate recipes for our review:

Stamberg talks to chocolate expert Fran Bigelow, author of the recipe book Pure Chocolate, about all things chocolate — chocolate sauce (“the magic of chocolate and cream”), chocolate espresso sauce (chocolate and coffee, a natural combination), and personalized chocolate chips (pick your favorite chocolate bar and cut it into small chunks).
Then, Stamberg pulls the conversation toward that certain holiday recipe that’s been a Thanksgiving tradition at NPR for more than three decades. (You know, the one that “sounds terrible but tastes terrific.” For details, click the link under Once More with Relish… at the top of this page.)